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Revision as of 05:53, 31 May 2016 by King Banhammer (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Name: Mathis Player: King Banhammer Class: Rogue 2 Race: Human Exp: Align: N HP: 16 AC: 17 (+3 armor, +4 dex) Fort: +0 Reflex: +7 Will: +0 CMD: 15 (+1 BAB, +4 de...")
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Name: Mathis
Player: King Banhammer
Class: Rogue 2
Race: Human
Align: N
HP: 16
AC: 17 (+3 armor, +4 dex)
Fort: +0
Reflex: +7
Will: +0
CMD: 15 (+1 BAB, +4 dex)
Initiative: +4
Base Attack Bonus: +1
melee: +1
ranged: +5
Str: 10 --
Dex: 18 +4(+2 from human)
Con: 10 --
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 10 --
Chr: 14 +2
Skills (8 ranks from rogue, 1 from human, 2 from int)
 Acrobatics: 2 +4 +3 - 9
 Bluff: 2 +2 +3 - 7
 Climb: 2 +0 +5 - 5
 Diplomacy: 2 +2 +3 - 7
 Disable Device: 2 +4 +3 - 9 (11 with the tools)
 Escape Artist: 2 +4 + 3 - 9
 Knowledge (Local): 2 +2 +3 - 7
 Perception: 2 +0 +3 +2 - 7 (8 for finding traps)
 Sense Motive: 2 +0 +3 +2 - 7
 Sleight of Hand: 2 +4 +3 - 9
 Stealth: 2 +4 +3 - 9
 (ranks + stat + class +misc bonus)
 Weapon Finesse
 Alertness (+2 perception and sense motive, +4 at 10 ranks)
Class Features:
 Sneak Attack +1d6
 Trapfinding (+1 to Perception for finding traps, +1 to Disable Device) (1/2 level)
 Follow Clues (Rogue Talent: use perception to follow tracks)
 MW Rapier   +5 1d6, 18-20 x2, P
 Sap         +5 1d6, 20 x2 , B nonlethal
 3 daggers   +5 1d4, 19-20 x2, P or S, 10' range thrown 
 MW Studded Leather armor  3 armor, +5 max dex, no check penalty

 MW Thieves tools
 Scruffy city clothes
 a nice set of clothes to say, bluff one's way into a nobleman's party
 2 tanglefoot bags
 2 smokesticks
 1 alchemical solvent
 2 potions of cure light wounds
 1 potion of pass without trace
50 gp
Languages aren't selected, because the only ones I was sure of were the free ones. This is just the crunch. Will add fluff later.