Dohrn Bend-Ear

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  • Page still getting tweaked for 4/18/16 - stats will be adjusted to account for peg-leg.
Name:       Dohrn Bend-Ear
Race:       Dwarf
Player:     Smart Dalek 
Class:      Bard
Stat    Score   Mod
STR     11      (+0)
DEX     15      (+2)
CON     12      (+1)
INT     14      (+2)
WIS     12      (+1)
CHA     13      (+1)
Skill                   Total   Rnk     Stat    Msc
Acrobatics              2       0.0     2       0
Acrobatics (Jump)       -10     0.0     2       -12
Appraise                6       1.0     2       3
Bluff                   5       1.0     1       3
Climb                   8       0.0     0       8
Craft (Untrained)       2       0.0     2       0
Diplomacy               5       1.0     1       3
Disguise                1       0.0     1       0
Escape Artist           2       0.0     2       0
Fly                     -6      0.0     2       -8
Heal                    1       0.0     1       0
Intimidate              5       1.0     1       3 
Knowledge (Untrained)   3       0.0     2       1
Linguistics             6       1.0     2       3
Perception              5       1.0     1       3
Perform (Untrained)     1       0.0     1       0
Ride                    2       0.0     2       0
Sense Motive            5       1.0     1       3
Stealth                 6       1.0     2       3
Survival                1       0.0     1       0
Swim                    8       0.0     0       8

Feats ---------------------------

Special Abilities ---------------------

Templates -------------------------

Combat --------------------------

   Total / Touch / Flat Footed

AC: 12 / 12 / 10 Initiative: +2 BAB: +0 Melee tohit: +0 Ranged tohit: +2 Fortitude: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +3 Unarmed attack: to hit: +0 damage: 1d3 critical: 20/x2

Special Abilities --------------------

Equipment ------------------------

Name QTY LBS Total weight carried: 0 lbs. Current load: Light Encumbrance Light: 38 Medium: 76 Heavy: 115

Magic --------------------------

Bard Spells

Level 0 Lullaby (Enchantment) Saves: Will negates DC: 11 Casting: 1 standard action Duration: Concentration + 1 rounds [D] Range: Medium (110 ft.) Components: V, S SR: Yes Effect: Any creature within the area that fails a Will save becomes drowsy and inattentive, taking a -5 penalty on Perception checks and a -2 penalty on Will saves against sleep effects while the lullaby is in effect. Target: Living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst DESC: Any creature within the area that fails a Will save becomes drowsy and inattentive, taking a -5 penalty on Perception checks and a -2 penalty on Will saves against sleep effects while the lullaby is in effect. DESC 2: Any creature within the area that fails a Will save becomes drowsy and inattentive, taking a -5 penalty on Perception checks and a -2 penalty on Will saves against sleep effects while the lullaby is in effect. Message (Transmutation, AirSchool) Saves: None DC: Casting: 1 standard action Duration: 10 minutes Range: Medium (110 ft.) Components: V, S, F SR: No Effect: You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Target: 1 creatures DESC: You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. DESC 2: You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Summon Instrument (Conjuration) Saves: None DC: Casting: 1 round Duration: 1 minutes [D] Range: 0 ft. Components: V, S SR: No Effect: This spell summons one handheld musical instrument of your choice. Target: One summoned handheld musical instrument DESC: This spell summons one handheld musical instrument of your choice. DESC 2: This spell summons one handheld musical instrument of your choice. Unwitting Ally (Enchantment) Saves: Will negates DC: 11 Casting: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft.) Components: V, S SR: Yes Effect: Subject is considered ally for 1 round. Target: one living creature DESC: Subject is considered ally for 1 round. DESC 2: Subject is considered ally for 1 round.

Level 1 Charm Person (Enchantment) Saves: Will negates DC: 12 Casting: 1 standard action Duration: 1 hours Range: Close (25 ft.) Components: V, S SR: Yes Effect: This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally. Target: One humanoid creature DESC: This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally. DESC 2: This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally. Disguise Self (Illusion) Saves: DC: Casting: 1 standard action Duration: 10 minutes [D] Range: Personal Components: V, S SR: Effect: You make yourself--including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment--look different. Target: You DESC: You make yourself--including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment--look different. DESC 2: You make yourself--including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment--look different.

Peg Leg, Metal (55gp)

Patchwork Cloak (5gp, 1/2 lb.)

Scarf - Reinforced (10gp, 1/2 lb.)

Traveler's Outfit (1gp, 5 lbs.)

Decorative Trim (10gp)

Bedroll (1sp, 5 lbs.)

Blanket (5 sp, 3 lbs.)

Soap (1cp, 1/2 lb)

Bag, Waterproof (5sp, 1/2 lb.)

Craft - Instrument

Craft - Stonework

Craft- Glass

Craft - Ceramics

Perform Linguistics Diplomacy

Height: 4' 4" Weight: 199 lbs. Gender: Male


After losing a leg in a childhood accident, Dohrn was pressed into service as a pageboy for one of his region's trade guilds. 

This opened up a number of opportunities, as he found himself working as a courier, bell-ringer and assistant scribe for an assortment of businesses, rectories and private families not only in the Dwarven settlements, but also the human-populated circles of commerce. 

Over time, Dohrn would become a familiar figure in the Taking of the Survey, dutifully jotting the reported rations of goods noted as surplus, lost or otherwise transferrable during the harsher seasons. Gossips gravitated toward him, but their banter was the respectable kind - he was, after all, an almanac of sorts himself, given his duties as hour-caller, signable witness for accounts and invoices, and so forth. 

But he did harbor his own ulterior interest...and that was in music. 

Inspired by the festivals, holy chants and epic ballads of the various communities, Dohrn was determined to compose and perform compositions of his own. 

And very quickly, those same regions he frequented became equally determined to make certain Dohrn would at least sing and play in tune.