Russ's Character Sheet

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Player: Slitherrr
Name: Russ
Classes/Levels: Chirurgeon 9
Experience: See spreadsheet
Race: Lizardfolk
Alignment: CN
Origin: The Hundred Lakes region of Celestia
Residence: The Wydmoor Swamp Temple

Combat Quick Ref

  • Attack arrays:
    • Weapon: iterative (+1 spear or morningstar (cold iron or silversheen) 2H)/bite (1d3) (secondary). Alternatively, iterative morningstar 1H/claw (secondary)/bite (secondary)
    • Normal naturals: 2 x Claw (1d4)/Bite (1d3)
    • Gargoyle naturals: 2 x Claw (1d6)/Bite (1d4)/Gore (1d4)
    • Bombs: 5d6 + 4 damage, 20' range increment, affected by throw anything (+1 to hit) and point-blank shot (+1 to hit/damage within 30')
  • AC: 19 (+4 Leather Lamellar +1 enhancement bonus on armor +2 Natural AC +1 Enhancement Bonus to Natural AC +1 deflection from shield ring) / 11 touch AC / 19 Flat-footed
  • CMB: +8 (6 bab + 2 str)
  • CMD: 18 (10 + 6 bab + 2 str)

Modifiers when Mutated

  • Str: +2 Natural AC (does not stack with hide), +4 Str, -2 Int, +2 (+3) melee and thrown (non-splash) damage (2H) (from +4 Str), -1 Bomb damage, -1 knowledge skills, +2 climbing/swimming
  • Dex: +2 Natural AC (does not stack with hide), +4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Dex bonus AC (normal and touch), +1 ranged attack, -1 bunches of skills, +2 bunches of other skills
  • Con: +2 Natural AC (does not stack with hide), +4 Con, -2 Cha, +2*(level) hp (from +4 Con), -1 social skills



STR: 15 (8th-level stat)
DEX: 10
CON: 16
INT: 18 (4th-level stat)
WIS: 12
CHA: 8



Hit Points 79 (8 + 3) + (5 + 3) + (5 + 3) + (5 + 3) + (5 + 3 + 1) + (5 + 3 + 1) + (5 + 3) + (5 + 3 + 1) + (5 + 3 + 1)
Base Attack Bonus +6 +6 Chirurgeon
Initiative +0
Base Speed 30 ft.
Fort Save +12 +6 Chirurgeon, +3 Con, +3 cloak of resistance
Reflex Save +9 +6 Chirurgeon, +3 cloak of resistance
Will Save +9 +3 Chirurgeon, +1 Wis, +2 Iron Will, +3 cloak of resistance
Extracts per day 6 first-level (5 Chirurgeon, 1 Int bonus), 5 2nd-level (4 Chirurgeon, 1 Int bonus), 4 3rd-level (3 Chirurgeon, 1 Int bonus)


  • Keeper of the Veil (Disguise) - You gain a +1 competence bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you
  • Iron Lungs - You can hold your breath twice as long [note: This is 4x to 5x, not 4x to 8x], and get a +2 trait bonus to saving throws against inhaled poisons

Racial Features

  • Xenophobic - Start only with local language
  • Natural Attacks - Get bite at two size categories smaller, two claws regular size, all primary natural attacks
  • Scaly Hide - +2 Natural AC
  • Hold Breath - Can hold breath for number of rounds equal to 4x Con before suffocating
  • Swim Speed (30') - (+8 to swim checks, don't have to make swim checks except in really severe circumstances, can always take 10 even when in danger, can use run action while swimming if in a straight line)

Features in various forms

Bugbear (Alter Self)

  • +2 size Str, darkvision 60', scent

Sasquatch (Alter Self)

  • +2 size Str, darkvision 60', low-light vision, scent, speed 40'

Gargoyle (Monstrous Physique I)

  • +2 size Str, +2 natural AC, darkvision 60', speed 40', fly 30'

Conditional Modifiers

  • +2 to save vs. poison (from Chirurgeon 2)
  • +4 to save vs. inhaled poison (from Chirurgeon 2 and Iron Lungs)


Ubrekti(bonus from int), Ssel'it(origin), Celesti (bonus from int), Orcish (bonus from int), Gnollish (bonus from int lvl 4), Goblin (linguistics)


Starting Book (lizardfolk-hide)

Level Formulae
1 abjuring step, adhesive spittle, ant haul, bomber's eye, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, cure light wounds, disguise self, enlarge person, heightened awareness, identify, jump, long arm, monkey fish, phantom blood, polypurpose panacea, reduce person, shield, shock shield, stone fist, targeted bomb admixture, third eye
2 ablative barrier, adhesive blood, alchemical allocation, barkskin, bear's endurance, blood armor, blur, bull's strength, cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, darkvision, elemental touch, false life, fox's cunning, invisibility, lesser restoration, perceive cues, protection from arrows, remove paralysis, resist energy, see invisibility, spider climb, vomit swarm
3 cure serious wounds, displacement, disable construct, fly, heroism, monstrous physique i, protection from energy, thorn body, tongues, remove disease

Loose pages (to put into a new book)

Level Formulae
3 burrow


Skill Bonus Bonus Derivation
Craft(alchemy) + 16 (+25 craft alchemical item, +27/+32 in lab) 9 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat (+Alchemist Level from Alchemist class feature, +2 from alchemy lab and +5 from crafter's fortune)
Spellcraft + 16 9 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat
Heal + 13 6 +3 Class Skill +1 Stat +3 Skill Focus (Heal)
Knowledge (nature) + 13 6 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat
Knowledge (arcana) + 13 6 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat
Perception + 13 9 +3 Class Skill +1 Stat
Survival + 13 9 +3 Class Skill +1 Stat
Swim + 12 (+11 in armor) 2 +2 Stat + 8 Lizardfolk racial (can always take 10, doesn't even need to check unless doing a special action or avoiding a hazard) (-1 ACP)
Use Magical Device + 11 9 +3 Class Skill -1 Stat
Craft(glass) + 8 1 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat
Appraise + 8 1 +3 Class Skill +4 Stat
Fly + 7 (+6 in armor) 4 + 3 Class Skill + 0 Stat (-1 ACP)
Linguistics + 5 1 +4 Stat
Profession (sailor) + 5 1 +3 Class Skill +1 Stat
Climb + 5 (+4 in armor) 3 + 2 Stat (-1 ACP)
Disguise + 4 (+14) 1 +3 Class Skill -1 Stat +1 trait (+ 10 muzzle-band of disguise)

Equipment of Note

  • Muzzle-band of disguise, lesser (a.k.a., Lizardfolk-restricted Lesser Hat of Disguise): cast disguise self at will to get +10 to disguise checks
  • Amulet of Natural Armor. +1 enhancement bonus to natural AC
  • +1 Troll Leather Lamellar Armor (harvested from a Wydmoor Swamp scrag troll, then enchanted at the Wydmoor Swamp Temple)
  • cloak of resistance +3 (a gift from the Azure Geese, its broach is their emblem)
  • ring of protection +1 (from the bog bros)

Feats and Special Abilities

Standard Feats

  • Point-blank shot (+1 to ranged attacks and damage within 30')
  • Iron Will (+2 to Will Saves)
  • Step Up (can take his 5' step on an opponent's turn as an immediate action if the opponent is stepping from adjacent. this consumes the 5' step)
  • Power Attack (can trade floor(bab/4) + 1 from attacks in a round for double that bonus to damage, modified like strength by 2H/secondary/etc)
  • Rending Claws (racial) (on successful hit with both claw attacks in a round, do an additional 1d4 + 1.5*str damage)

Chirurgeon Bonus Feats

  • Brew Potion (can create potions with Craft(Alchemy))
  • Throw Anything (can throw any object without a -4 penalty, +1 to attack when throwing a splash weapon, apply Int bonus to damage for any splash weapon)
  • Skill Focus (Heal) (from Anaesthetic) +3 to Heal checks. This becomes +6 when Heal is at 10 ranks.

Class abilities

  • Armor Prof. (Light)
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency
  • Alchemy
  • Swift Alchemy : Takes half the normal amount of time to create alchemical items, and can apply poison to a weapon as a move action.
  • Bombs
  • Mutagen
  • Discoveries
    • 2nd (Spontaneous Healing) : Can heal up to 5 points in a round up to (alchemist level / 2) * 5 hp per day as a free action, activates automatically when brought below 0 hp
    • 4th (Frost Bomb): When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it inflict cold damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a frost bomb are staggered on their next turn unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 1/2 Alchemist level + 1/2 Alchemist Int)
    • 6th (Healing Touch): Available spontaneous heal points double to (alchemist level) * 5. Can use a standard action to touch a target in range and apply a usage of spontaneous healing to them.
    • 8th (Preserve Organs): Equivalent to light fortification (25% chance to nullify crits/sneak attacks)
  • Poison resistance +4
  • Curative Infusion : Cure extracts can be treated as infusions (but can be made inert at will rather than only on use)
  • Anaesthetic: Gain Skill Focus (Heal). Any usage of Heal that does damage automatically does minimum damage, if desired.
  • Poison Use: Can apply poisons without a chance of self-poison.

Level Progression

Level 1: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +2/+2/+0
BAB: +0
Feats: Point-Blank Shot (regular), Brew Potion, Throw Anything
Class Abilities: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Alchemy, Bomb 1d6, Mutagen
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Rank
Formulae: 2 1st-level +3 (Intelligence): cure light wounds, disguise self, shield, targeted bomb admixture, enlarge person
Extracts per day: 1 1st-level +1 (Intelligence)

Level 2: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+0 ==> +3/+3/+0
BAB: +1 ==> +1
Class Abilities: Discovery (spontaneous healing), Poison resistance +2, Curative Infusion
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Rank
Formulae: 1 1st-level: crafter's fortune
Extracts per day: 1 1st-level

Level 3: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+1 ==> +3/+3/+1
BAB: +1 ==> +2
Class Abilities: Bomb 2d6, swift alchemy
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Rank
Formulae: 1 1st-level: Adhesive spittle
Extracts per day: 1 1st-level
Standard Feat: Iron Will

Level 4: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+0 ==> +4/+4/+1
BAB: +1 ==> +3
Class Abilities: Discovery heal bomb
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Rank
Ability point: Int
Language: Gnoll (int), Goblin
Formulae: 1 1st-level:Jump, 1 2nd-level or less: Cure Moderate Wounds
Extracts per day: 2 2nd-level
Skills: heal, survival, craft(alchemy), spellcraft, perception, 4xUMD, climb, knowledge(arcana), linguistics

Level 5: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+0 ==> +4/+4/+1
BAB: +0 ==> +3
Class Abilities: Bomb 3d6, Anaesthetic (get Skill Focus (Heal), any Heal use that could harm patient always does minimum damage)
Standard Feat: Step Up
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP
Formulae: 1 2nd-level or less: Cure Moderate Wounds
Extracts per day: 1 2nd-level
Skills: heal, survival, craft(alchemy), spellcraft, perception, UMD, knowledge(nature), climb

Level 6: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+1 ==> +5/+5/+2
BAB: +1 ==> +4
Favored Class: 1 hp
Abilities: another spontaneous healing use (up to three), poison use
Discovery: Healing Touch -- three more spontaneous healing uses (up to level/day), can use a standard action to apply a spontaneous healing use to another
2nd-level formula: lesser restoration
Extracts per day: 1 2nd-level
Skills: heal*, survival*, craft(alchemy)*, spellcraft*, perception*, UMD*, know(nature), swim

Level 7: Chirurgeon

Base F/R/W: 0/0/0 ==> +5/+5/+2
BAB: +1 ==> +5
Favored Class: 1 skill point
Feat: (power attack)
3rd-level formula: monstrous physique I
Extracts per day: 2 3rd-level
Class Abilities: Bomb damage 4d6, another spontaneous healing use
Skills: survival*, craft(alchemy)*, spellcraft*, perception*, UMD*, know(arcana), know(nature), flyx2

Level 8: Chirurgeon

Favored Class: 1 hp
Base F/R/W: +1/+1/0 ==> +6/+6/+2
BAB: +1 ==> +6
Abilities: Another spontaneous healing use, poison resistance +4
Discovery: Preserve organs
3rd-level formula: thorn body
Extracts per day: 1 2nd-level, 1 3rd-level
Stat point: str (to 15)
Skills: survival*, craft(alchemy)*, spellcraft*, perception*, UMD*, know(arcana), know(nature), fly

Level 9: Chirurgeon

Favored Class: 1 hp
Base F/R/W: +0/+0/1 ==> +6/+6/+3
BAB: +0 ==> +6
Abilities: Another spontaneous healing use, bomb 5d6
Feat: Rending Claws
3rd-level formula: burrow
Extracts per day: 1 1st-level, 1 3rd-level
Skills: survival*, craft(alchemy)*, spellcraft*, perception*, UMD*, know(arcana), fly, swim

Coming Up

Level 10: Chirurgeon

Favored Class: 1 hp
Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+0 ==> +7/+7/+3
BAB: +1 ==> +7
Abilities: Another spontaneous healing use, power over death
Discovery: Mummification
4th-level formula: breath of life and beast shape ii or fluid form
Extracts per day: +2/day 4th-level
Skills: survival*, craft(alchemy)*, spellcraft*, perception*, UMD*, know(nature), know(arcana), climb (bring heal up to 10?)