Notes for Game 2009-05-08

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Harpies are dead after hypnotizing the team. Lizard Men appear in the morning as sad faces.
Lizard men escort the captured team out of the swamp while the party heads off to the temple.
  • The warrens are burning. It's an inferno. London 1666-sized fire.
  • Bog wraiths are trying to keep crowds under control
  • We head along the south of city and climb the wall.
  • See a wizard, human, wearing a robe, trying to put out the fire with wand. Making firebreak.
  • His name is Hemsley using digging wands to make a firebreak to save part of the city.
  • Quin's horses are there in the stable.
  • Edrell told us to go find the lizard people and ask them to make it rain.
  • LE got communication ring for Edrell, can talk once a day, 10 words a day.
  • We head into the swamp to find the lizard men.
  • Battle begins with harpies
    • The team gets attacked by creatures that turn the team into mindless zombies.
    • Only Mose isn't affected.
    • Al wakes up when Mose dunks him.
    • Kimika stuns the party (literally) with Sound Burst
    • The harpies die, party makes camp. 500xp
  • The lizard men find us the next morning and take us back to camp. They're sad.
    • In the camp, the lizard men have captives they found sneaking to the money temple.
    • Al's bird friend died, killed by a half-orc ranger named Gran't'nar.
    • The lizard men are asked to do a ritual to cause rain to stop the fire in the town.
    • Kimika told her church about the money temple, but didn't tell the party she did it (other than Al)
    • The captives were on their way to the money temple, they were sent by Kimika's church
    • The whole party argues over Kimika's perceived transgression against the party.
    • LE txts Edrell that the church knows of the temple and that the rain is coming.
    • Edrell casts a spell to talk with the party, and asks them to go to the temple and get the money
    • A promise from Edrell that we'll get the haversack if we go and get the money from the temple.
    • The captives have a magic toy boat and electrum coin that they were using to transport the coins back.
    • We agree to ask the lizard men to unbind the people and send them back. The cleric promises he'll do so. Quin wishes the ranger half-orc wasn't bound, but he is bound and sent back.
  • The party heads towards the money temple...


On the return to Wydmoor city, it was on fire. the Bog Wraiths defended the docks from being overrun by fleeing townsfolk.

Final GM message

  • 500 xp for harpies
  • 250 xp for bringing the rain
  • 50 xp for something else

RP award goes to Quin and Mose:

  • 5% each (i.e. 40)