Talk:Kib Absold's Character Sheet
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Leveling notes (for my reference)
Potentially look into Prodigy (Charisma) later on.
- 1: Prof 1(prof bonus feat:negotiator, standard feat: imp unarmed, human feat: combat reflexes, skill points: 4x(8 + 1 + 1) = 40, FRW: +2/+3/+1, BAB: +0)
- 2: Prof 2(evasion, sp: +(8 + 1 + 1) = 50, FRW: +2/+4/+2, BAB: +1)
- 3: Fighter 1(fighter bonus feat: combat expertise, standard feat: imp trip, sp: +(2 + 1 + 1) = 54, FRW: +4/+4/+2, BAB: +2)
- 4: Prof 3(stat point: +1 INT, prof bonus feat: iron will, skill points: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 65, FRW: +5/+4/+4, BAB: +3)
- 5: Prof 4 (uncanny dodge sp: +(8 + 2 + 1)=76, FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
- 6: Prof 5 (standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise, prof bonus feat: sf(diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 87, FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
- 7: Prof 6 (sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 98, leadership training, FRW: +6/+6/+6, BAB: +5)
- 8: Prof 7 (prof bonus feat: sf(diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, stat point: +1 ST or +1 WI, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 109, FRW: +6/+6/+6 OR +6/+6/+7, BAB: +6/+1)
- 9: Field Marshall 1 (standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise, heroic rally, commanding presence(skill checks), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 116, FRW: +8/+6/+8 OR +8/+6/+9, BAB: +7/+2)
- 10: Field Marshall 2 (imp leadership, commanding presence (saves and init), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 123, FRW: +9/+6/+9 OR +9/+6/+10, BAB: +8/+3)
- 11: Prof 8 (imp uncanny dodge, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 134, FRW: +9/+7/+10 OR +9/+7/+11, BAB: +9/+4)
- 12: Prof 9 (stat point: +1 ST or +1 WI, prof bonus feat: lightning reflexes, standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 145, FRW: +10/+9/+11, BAB: +9/+4)
- 13: Field Marshall 3 (keen awareness, commanding presence(ac), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 152, FRW: +10/+10/+11 BAB: +10/+5)
- 14: Prof 10 (prof development (mettle), sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 163, FRW: +10/+11/+12, BAB: +11/+6/+1)
- 15: Field Marshall 4 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus(guisarme), commanding presence(to hit/damage), commanding presence range increase, sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 170, FRW: +11/+11/+13, BAB: +12/+7/+2)
- 16: Field Marshall 5 (stat point: +1 ST or +1 CH or +1 DX, inspiration, sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 177),FRW: +11/+12/+13, BAB: +13/+8/+3)
- 17: Prof 11 OR Sentinel 1 OR Rogue 1
- 18: Prof 12 OR Sentinel 2 OR Rogue 2 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative)
- 19: Prof 13 OR Sentinel 3 OR Rogue 3
- 20: Prof 14 OR Sentinel 4 OR Rogue 4 (stat point: +1 ST or +1 CH or +1 DX)
Keep Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive capped. Add at least 1 point each to the three knowledges by level 8. Add to the next as points permit (highest priority first): Heal, Bluff, Use Rope, Swim, Climb, Survival, Speak Language (as appropriate, but the more the merrier), Ride (up to whatever gives +10, +15 or +20, depending on how much mounts become a part of the campaign). Possibly work in points in hide, move silently, escape artist, etc. (but generally, hope for the thief to have those covered).
-- Holy Shit! I only sketch up to level 12. I'll be retired by the time we get to level 20! ;) -gm
- Haha, yeah, I'd just gotten to 12 and had some spare time, so I kept going. -Slitherrr 15:33, 16 September 2009 (EDT)
- WOW! I usually try to die before 10 or so! --Msallen 15:34, 16 September 2009 (EDT)
- Languages - Thed is probably a SD smarter than Kib, and it took him a night to learn rudimentary Kobold, which has been improving ever since. Given the 4-6 days you'll probably be stuck in kred unwinding, you'll easily have time to learn Kobold under Thed's instruction. Goblin would require you to either buy yourself a goblin to drag around with you of some sort or spend those 4-6 days in relatively comfortable study. Kobold is its own shitty little language, while Goblin is the language of the Hobgoblins, and thus quite sophisticated. Even picking up the skill, it'll be some time before it's up to speed. -gm
- Not sure what SD means. Kib and Thed do have the same Int stat, if that's what you're talking about. But, yeah, I figured both of these would be the case. I'm glad that Goblin is a full-fledged language, that'll make it more useful. The plan is exactly as you say--buy a Goblin slave, learn Goblin from him in the downtime, then take him with us before letting him go somewhere relatively far away from Kred (Kib doesn't have any desire to own other intelligent beings, even Servitors) -Slitherrr
- Standard Deviation. The 3d6 model makes such a perfect bell curve. That's funny, I thought Thed was smarter than that, sorry. Looks like the Z man is the brains of the outfit. I'll have to figure out what a goblin costs. Not like you're short the funds. -gm
- Ah, the bell curve. Good times. Interesting that Zeal is Int-heavy, but definitely good to have the extra skill points lying around. -Slitherrr
- Incidentally, do we know Zeal's domains, or do we get to discover that? -Slitherrr
- Not sure how close to the vest he wants to play his stuff. We'll see when he RSVPs again. :) -gm
- Incidentally, do we know Zeal's domains, or do we get to discover that? -Slitherrr
- Ah, the bell curve. Good times. Interesting that Zeal is Int-heavy, but definitely good to have the extra skill points lying around. -Slitherrr
- Standard Deviation. The 3d6 model makes such a perfect bell curve. That's funny, I thought Thed was smarter than that, sorry. Looks like the Z man is the brains of the outfit. I'll have to figure out what a goblin costs. Not like you're short the funds. -gm
- Not sure what SD means. Kib and Thed do have the same Int stat, if that's what you're talking about. But, yeah, I figured both of these would be the case. I'm glad that Goblin is a full-fledged language, that'll make it more useful. The plan is exactly as you say--buy a Goblin slave, learn Goblin from him in the downtime, then take him with us before letting him go somewhere relatively far away from Kred (Kib doesn't have any desire to own other intelligent beings, even Servitors) -Slitherrr
- Languages - Thed is probably a SD smarter than Kib, and it took him a night to learn rudimentary Kobold, which has been improving ever since. Given the 4-6 days you'll probably be stuck in kred unwinding, you'll easily have time to learn Kobold under Thed's instruction. Goblin would require you to either buy yourself a goblin to drag around with you of some sort or spend those 4-6 days in relatively comfortable study. Kobold is its own shitty little language, while Goblin is the language of the Hobgoblins, and thus quite sophisticated. Even picking up the skill, it'll be some time before it's up to speed. -gm