Notes for Game 2010-01-09
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In Our Last Episode
- The party carried back about 30,000 worth of copper
- Germain stayed at the mill and interrogated the bandits who we tied up.
- The party spent 12,000 copper for Kimi to identify the wand.
- Quin dinged and got a level!
This episode
- Party debated a lot on whether to kill the captives.
- Mose wouldn't let throats be slit, and the compromise was to send them down the river on a ferry and left in the woods somewhere.
- Germain, LE, Al, intimidate more thieves' guilds hideouts out of the bad guys.
- Party decides to try to get the Bog Wraiths to make a major move against the Thieves Guild.
- On the way back into town, see signs about taking property back and election prices/rules.
- Germaine tells Edrell of what transpired.
- Mose gets the Haversack of Holding from Edrell. (Big enough to carry 1/3 million silver.)
- Party heads off to meet with the Bog Wraiths (Wydmoor Castle)
- Meet with Ralth-- told him to raid the thief strongholds. He liked that idea and said they could handle it.
- Ralth wants us to go to Iros Forge.
- We stay with the Wraiths at night
- Ralth offers the party coffee.
- Lorent Swordworthy and Looby Maino are the contacts at the Iros Forge we're supposed to meet with.
- Team heads back to landing and hop on a ferry
- Reached Onrarch landing by noon. (Landing)
- Met with Bethanalay
- Kimi met up with Bethanalay's son
- 3rd day of new year.
- Camp attack by wolves
- Al leads them off in wolf-form
- Make it to Yalmrith (Map/description)
- No new people have come down from mountain
- Hobgoblins are more frequent these days.
- Sleep in inn
- First day up mountain
- Makes camp without incident
- Trail starts to narrow, at end of day, trail gets tough.
- Hobgoblin ambush (Battle map)
- Al turns into mountain lion. We kill them easily with his cat-like reflexes.
- Hobgoblins were really well-supplied, had 6 masterwork mighty odessan bows.
- 330xp
- During camp at the end of this day, another hobgoblin attack while most of us are asleep (Battle map start)
- They cast web and catch most people stuck (Battle map middle)
- Al turns into mountain lion and devours hobgoblin after hobgoblin
- LE gets knocked down to -5
- Mose and Quin break free with good strength checks
- Mose and Quin and Al finish off the hobgoblins. (Battle map finish)
- Find 3x Cure mod potions, 5 more bows, and more electrum.
- 433 xp
Final GM message
- RP Award: Quin
- +500XP overall
- Germain +150xp for slashfic