Talk:Gilerl's Character Sheet

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Revision as of 23:53, 19 January 2010 by Detarame (talk | contribs)
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Should have 8x4 = 32 skill points.

Has Climb: 3 + Hide(CC): 10 + Jump: 3 + Listen: 1 + Move Silently(CC): 6 + Survival: 5 + Swim: 3 + Use Magic Device(CC): 4 = 35 points. -Slitherrr

Dude evidently loves cross-class skills. Also, 10 is too many points in Hide (max is 8). -Slitherrr

Also, the optimizer in me is shrieking. -Slitherrr

That should be an easy fix?
Yeah, Gil's easy to fix, just drop both extra points in Hide and a point somewhere else. To be perfectly honest, he should drop the four points in UMD, because there's very little he can activate with that level, but he might not want to do that. -Slitherrr
Yeah, maybe. 2 of those ranks are probably the gnome bonus ranks, though. ;)