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Roadwater is an intoxicating drink of halfling derivation made of various plants, spices, and fungi. No two tribes, or indeed no two halfings, brew roadwater in quite the same way, but almost all versions of roadwater can be brewed using ingredients commonly found on the throughout the mainland. Generally speaking, it is has a spicy taste, with roughly the potency of strong wine or weak brandy. Some halflings, particularly the halfling druids, have knowledge of a more potent and more heavily narcotic version that is often used for ceremonial occasions and rites of passage.

Despite the name, Roadwater is made by both boat and road halfling tribes.

To brew basic, intoxicating roadwater requires knowledge of a proper recipe and herbalism check against DC 15. To create hallucinogenic or mind-altering roadwater requires a herbalism check against DC 18. A batch of roadwater, regardless of quantity, requires one week to brew.