Notes for Game 2010-01-29
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In Our Last Episode
- 4-1 Heavenfall
- During camp at the end of this day, another hobgoblin attack while most of us are asleep (Battle map start)
- Find 3x Cure mod potions, 5 more bows, and more electrum.
This episode
5-1 Heavenfall
- Wake and move on to another ambush.
- Hobgoblin entangled the spellcasters
- Germain goes unconscious being a arrow magnet
- Kimi's spiritual hammer, Mose's bow, Quin's bow, and Al's call lightning make long work of them.
+ 850
Experience Points
6-1 Heavenfall
- We find what is probably the entrance to forges.
- Al eavesdrops as a rat and killed them
- We ambushed hobgoblins and killed them with cool spells like Bless, Prayer, etc.
- Al dinged.
+ 513
Experience Points
- Another set of hobgoblins are coming down while we try to rest
- We ambush them again.
+ 250
Experience Points
7-1 Heavenfall
- We discover the forge is overrun by a human and hobgoblins with an Odessan standard.
- We tell Naprid via campfire.
- We decide to head back down the mountain as quickly as we can.
- We force march faster than normal. Traps, etc.
8-1 Heavenfall
- Next day passes without incident.
9-1 Heavenfall
- Not being pursued by hobgoblins
10-1 Heavenfall
- Make it another night
11-1 Heavenfall
- Germain gets a tweet from Edrell.
- We call Naprid-- we got a message. He'll check into it.
- Quin sets really nice traps.
- The hobgoblins disguised as humans. Pretended to be Mayor's men from the forge.
- They tried to kill mayor and Edrell. But both survived, many of city council died.
12-1 Heavenfall
- We make it to Yalmrith.
For making it down the mountain.
+ 35
Experience Points
- Another tweet, Edrell is okay. Dandrell is okay. Teodora is okay. Lots of the mayors folk dead. Looks like they were trying to take out the city elite in one go. Assassination mission.
13-1 Heavenfall
- Everyone stays in an inn
- Bathes a bit
- We told the Alderman that the hobgoblins took over the forge and attempted to kill the Mayor.
- Al saw an army 3 days up the mountain.
- We tell
14-1 Heavenfall
- The party decides to
For the party, "The Secret of Iros Forge"
+ 250
Experience Points
Al, Magical Skrimisher:
+ 150
Experience Points
General Brick a Brack (everyone)
+ 125
Experience Points
Traps laid for Quin
+ 200
Experience Points
Traps laid for Kim
+ 100
Experience Points
- GM added LE's experience