Qa's Character Sheet
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Rogue 2/Barbarian 1/Fighter 1
Strength | 12 (+1) |
Dexterity | 17 (+3) (+1 is from Enhancement Bonus) |
Constitution | 12 (+1) |
Intelligence | 14 (+2) |
Wisdom | 10 (+0) |
Charisma | 12 (+1) |
Secondary Attributes
Hit Points | 35 |
Armor Class | 20 (+4 from Armor, +3 from Dex, +2 from Shield, +1 from Size) |
Base Attack Bonus | +3 |
Base Speed | 30 Feet |
Fort Save | +6 (+4 Base, +1 Stat, Ring of Protection +1 ) |
Reflex | +7 (+3 Base, +3 Stat, Ring of Protection +1) |
Will Save | +1 (Ring of Protection +1) |
- Dwarven
- Gnomish
- Ubrekti
Feats and Abilities
- Turn Undead 1/Day
- May use UMD Untrained
- +1 Attacks vs Humans
- +2 Save vs. Illusion
- +4 AC vs Giants
- Int. Bonus to UMD Checks
- Low Light Vision
- Evasion
- Sneak Attack +1d6
- Trapfinding
- Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial
- Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium
- Combat Reflexes
- Exotic Weapon: Spike Chain
- Combat Expertise
d Items at 1/2 of Cleric Level
Skill Ranks
- Appraise: 4
- Craft (Alchemy): 2
- Diplomacy: 2
- Disable Device: 2
- Escape Artist: 2
- Gather Information: 4
- Handle Animal: 2
- Hide: 4
- Jump: 1
- Listen: 4
- Open Lock: 2
- Ride: 4
- Search: 4
- Sense Motive: 4
- Slight of Hand: 6
- Spot: 4
- Survival: 4
- Swim: 1
- Tumble: 6
- Use Magic Device: 4
- Use Rope: 2
Cool Items
Ring of Protection +1
- A reward from Capt. Odenthorpe.
- Does what it says on the tin.
+1 Buckler Shield
- Recovered from a hag and her henchmen in the Wydmoor Swamp.
- Does what it says on the tin.