Ship's Wizards

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A title given to the ranking arcanic caster on a ship of war, usually in charge of one to three Ship's Apprentices, depending on the needs of the vessal. At present, only three nations maintain enough of a military fleet to require an official training and credentialing regimen. While Ship's Wizards of every flavor rely on a small catalog of common spells, such as the creation of consumables or repair oriented spells, as well as varying degrees of weather manipulation. This does not, however, prevent a great deal of specialization within national fleets.

Odessa The largest and most powerful navy on the mainland, Odessan sea-going wizards are trained at the Admiral's College, located within the University of Odessa. As the Odessan Navy was built along the Sidhe model, Ship's Wizards are the primary engine of offense on most ships. Odessan ships only rarely carry specialized marines, instead relying on small, fast ships manned by archers with Flame Arrow. This is, in fact, the reason for the relatively high number of Ship's Apprentices found on Odessan vessels, as the need for arcane redundancy, if only from scrolls, is obvious.

Petaran Empire Due to the volatility of the smokepowder that fuels Petaran bombards, which supply attacking power, the Petaran mastery of abjuration is just as clear on the sea. Protection from missiles, fire suppression, and counterspelling are the hallmarks of Petaran Ship's Wizards.

Gildenhome The Dwarves use their navy exclusively to support land operations, and as such, their navy is used primarily for blockades and seigecraft. Most Gilden ships of war are, therefore, massive, floating heavy-weapons platforms, bristling with siege engines and marines, supported and protected by swift, oar-powered longboats. Ship's Wizards on Dwarven warships primarily support the siege engines, relying on spells like Pebble to Boulder and modified Enlarges to feed the catapults and ballistas.