Talk:Anise's Character Sheet (3.5e)

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Revision as of 20:26, 15 February 2010 by Slitherrr (talk | contribs) (New page: Pretty awesome that you're on the wiki bandwagon. Also, I may be wrong in this, but I'm pretty sure that, being Odessan, you get Odessan and Ubrekti for free at first level, meaning you n...)
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Pretty awesome that you're on the wiki bandwagon.

Also, I may be wrong in this, but I'm pretty sure that, being Odessan, you get Odessan and Ubrekti for free at first level, meaning you need one more language for a bonus language (it's the only way that Kib's languages add up, so I'm assuming that's what happened--I'd have to sift through tons of old posts and logs to actually find where that got discussed). As far as what to choose, Fresian has a good chance of being important in the future, and is only spoken by our sorcerer. Gnomish is the one language you don't have that everyone else in the party speaks, so that's a possibility (but don't worry about not being understood--everyone also knows Ubrekti, and everyone but possibly Gilerl knows Dwarvish, too). There's also always Flanneri,Petaran,Bedowyld and Hakni if you want to improve the party's coverage. The possibilities abound!