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Here are some proposed mechanics for related languages:

Attempting to get a message across when speakers understand related languages depends on the complexity of the message, and the closeness of the linguistic relation. An Intelligence (Sense Motive is a possibility here... If that is used, the DCs should be higher) roll is made against the DC given in the table. Failure by 4 or less indicates that some essential point is lost in conveying the message, but the general idea is gotten across. Failure by 5-10 means that some essential point is MIS-understood, and false information is conveyed. Failure by 11 or more means that no information is conveyed.

DCs for Intelligence check for understanding related language
Dialects Closely Related Related Distantly Related Not Related
Simple Message - 5 10 20 30
Complex Message 5 10 20 30 40

This is interesting. Would there be a similar chart for bonuses/penalties for decipher script? -gm

Holy cow you just killed a bunch of text.. did you mean to be doing that? -Feantari
No, I've been unable to fully adapt to having many people on the wiki. I have become fail, the destroyer of content! -gm