Wydmoor Region (Sheet)

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Wydmoor Region Realm Sheet

(See Dragon Magazine, #293)

Realm Info

Realm Alignment: Neutral Evil
Realm Population: 189(k)
Military Strength: 9(k)
Realm Resources: 42
Discontent (13 base): 18
Hardship (13 base): 18
Tax Rate: Low (2000gp x Population Score)


Wydmoor Free City (Large)
Yalmrinth (Small)

Realm Skills

Wisdom Score : 14 [+2] (The leaders are somewhat keen and wily)
Wilderness Lore [Foraging Skill] : +3 (The residents are unskilled foragers.)
Knowledge (Nature) [Agriculture] : +6 (The residents practice somewhat sophisticated agriculture.)
Diplomacy [Statecraft] : +5 (Unremarkable)
Encounter Modifier : +4%

Realm Trade

Ubrekt : 3,000 gp/season [No Road]

Realm Diplomacy/Ill Will

Odessa (N) : 22
Ubreckt (LN) : 21
Alexia (CN) : 22

Realm Sections (10 mile x 10 mile squares)

Mountains : 4
Hills : 8
Swamp : 3
Plains : 10