User talk:Msallen

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Did germaine really make it through college? He seems like the sort that would run up a bunch of gambling debts or something then just run off. That was what happened to a lot of people at, say, Oxford during the middle ages.

Gambling debts make the assumption that he'd lose. Germain seems like the kind of guy who'd kill at poker. -Slitherrr
He did manage to lose by theft probably his single most important possession to someone he never even remotely trusted. He's probably a great bluffer, but who knows what his betting strategy is like? I think he overthinks things and is really too cautious and risk-averse to really make a killing. I just can't imagine him going through multiple years of structured education at a medieval-type university, especially as he seems to chafe under authority. -gm
Also - are you making our next game?