Talk:Germain's Leadership Feat Ideas

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NEW RULE: For every vanity page, you must create worthwhile new content, even if it is a one paragraph stub.


Also, I'll play along with your narcissism as a show of good faith. If you are going this route, you should get a girlfriend and go Nick and Nora or something. It will let you explore your feminine side. -gm

Actually, scratch that. One of you is enough, self-banter is just too much. Still, those are not very interesting sidekicks.
Like, say, exotic, ass kicking manservant.

Feel free to add a paragraph to existing content, I'll count that.

I hear the steros entry is lonely.

You're crazy. I've generated enough content to generate vanity pages with impunity. How interesting are sidekicks supposed to be? All our characters a rip-offs of standard tropes! --Msallen

Augh this talk page needs way more signing. -Slitherrr
Its all GM unless its signed. I think he was hitting the sauce last night. --Msallen
I'm leaving all the cohort stuff in the warm, loving hands of the GM. I can't wait until we meet him, so that Gilerl can charge him before we know who he is and paste him in one round. ::sigh:: -Slitherrr
Heh, this is why I like you better than Matt Allen. I would never put up with his bullshit from anyone who wasn't already grandfathered into my good graces. ;)
Oh, and that's why I have Gil and Mose paired in the mural I've painted in my mind. Almost killing allies and innocents is what they do best! -gm
You have a bad reputation with cohorts. Like that time you tried to give a pet dragon to my dragon-hating paladin of revenge whose parents were killed by a dragon. "Ooooo but hes a good dragon!" Fuck that. Kill it with fire.
Oh, yeah, that was a MOUNT, not a COHORT. Sheeeesh. -gm
Yeah, my mistake is thinking you've ever read a book before. Try it sometime: characters often grow and change as confronted with new experiences. It's the damnedest thing!
Why, I believe you're talking about our very own Mythrian Arabelle?!? But, history doesn't say anything about him being petty and something of an emotional tyrant. Heh. That's actually my favorite part about Post-Gametime Mythrian. Here's this guy - talented, capable, smart, beautiful - who becomes this staggeringly brilliant tactician and this impossibly powerful man. He's like the Augustus Caesar of this era, down to the parallels of building off of and learning from an adoptive uncle figure.
But when *I* played him he was a petty emotional tyrant! I don't play noble characters unless they are deeply flawed in some way! I don't understand how they think ;) --Msallen
In any other setting, a legacy of greatness. But, due to some accident of history or prophecy, some girl he never liked and constantly fought with, gets to be GOD. And, what's worse, his entire legacy is recpitated on fighting a war* and then *building a church around the worship of* a person he actively disliked his whole life. To say nothing of the loss of Love Beyond Love with the Quicksilver Dragon (who died fighting Alexandria's Crusade, no less.) A lot of that stuff got wiped out of the common histories and understandings of the man, yeah, but I think his construction of the church was really a service to Sterros more than to Alexandria.
Heh, Mythrian is probably my favorite character of the Canon Mythology. He's a really complex and interesting guy.
*A war Alexandria didn't even stick around to see 90 percent of! -gm
You'd probably end up giving Germain a socially inept, compulsively law-abiding paladin as a cohort ;) --Msallen
Heh, one of those is enough. I actually don't know *what* I'd do for Germain's cohort, so I'm glad you're being proactive in thinking about it. I would probably just make some really tweaked out ass-beater who stands around and only functions in combat, but is simple as hell to run so he doesn't slow down combat. -gm
The very thing I was hoping to avoid! --Msallen
PS. Kib isn't getting that gobbo as his cohort?
Gobbo is more of a hireling. I suppose he could BECOME the cohort, and that would definitely have some hilarious aspects, but as far as I know, he's not. -Slitherrr
It would be really hilarious, though. Especially if he got some crazy class combination, like sorcerer/barbarian. -Slitherrr
I actually really liked the gobbo idea after you mentioned it, but sadly your cohort is already generated with requisite storyline implications. (Cue: What? MeFighters have a storyline? I didn't notice.) Though, to be fair, since Kib's looking to make it home eventually, I'm not sure that having a Goblin cohort is going to go over tremendously well in Odessa. As nice as Gnob would be, I'm hoping you'll like what I have planned for Kib better. -gm

Is your cohort going to actively follow you around, or are you going to leave them stationed someone to see to your homebase and personal affairs? I thought you had been talking about that? -gm

Yeah, still thinking about that. In the case of the two I have, I think the Watson would probably end up on the sidelines for a lot of games. He doesn't seem very sturdy, and while he might be useful, he'd probably be better off managing my shit back home or doing his own thing than trooping around a swamp fighting lizardmen.
I have some other ideas that I haven't written up that would probably be more the "out-of-sight". I'm not really keen on running a second character in combat anyways--especially not a complex or tactical one. --Msallen