Talk:Mikos Lygit

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Revision as of 19:43, 23 April 2010 by Msallen (talk | contribs)
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Neat! Is it still a stub, or should the tag be removed? --Msallen

When we put Mikos up against the entries on Mythrian or Sterros or Sayid, he's still clearly a stub, I'd say. -gm
Sure, but isn't that setting the bar a little high?
A more relevant comment: we already referred to Sayid's revolt as the "Peteran Civil War", although given that Sayid won, he would probably have branded it a "revolution" and not a "civil war". How to you want to differentiate the two? Was the war following Mikos' ousting a full civil war, or was it more of a rebellion? Want to assume Sayid branded his own victory better than a civil war? --Msallen