Talk:Elk Rider

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Revision as of 22:15, 6 May 2010 by Detarame (talk | contribs)
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Someone likes Princess Mononoke, I'm guessing? -Slitherrr

Quite a bit, yeah. Also, I always thought the image of Elven Cavalry as being mithril plate wearing horse riders was stupid. They live in a goddam forest. You know what would really be amazingly good in a forest? Light cavalry that can move at full bore. Also, there is a movie poster of Princess Mononoke on my bedroom wall. --absalom 18:15, 6 May 2010 (EDT)
Depends. Did one of the sailor scouts ride an elk? --Msallen
Heh. No sailor scouts. -Slitherrr
I'm not talking about Mononoke. I'm talking about Sailor Moon! --Msallen
He is not a consumer of anything that is not focus group tested, and has always shown a haughty disdain for the animes. --absalom 18:15, 6 May 2010 (EDT)