Table: Leadership

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Leadership Cohort Number of Followers (by level)
Score Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or lower
2 1st
3 2nd
4 3rd
5 3rd
6 4th
7 5th
8 5th
9 6th
10 7th 5
11 7th 6
12 8th 8
13 9th 10 1
14 10th 15 1
15 10th 20 2 1
16 11th 25 2 1
17 12th 30 3 1 1
18 12th 35 3 1 1
19 13th 40 4 2 1 1
20 14th 50 5 3 2 1
21 15th 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 15th 75 7 4 2 2 1
23 16th 90 9 5 3 2 1
24 17th 110 11 6 3 2 1
25 or higher 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2

Reputation Modifiers

Leader’s Reputation Modifier
Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +1
Special power +1
Failure -1
Aloofness -1
Cruelty -2

Cohort Modifiers

The Leader… Modifier
Has a familiar, special mount, or animal companion -2
Recruits a cohort of a different alignment -1
Caused the death of a cohort -2*
* Cumulative per cohort killed.

Follower Modifiers

The Leader… Modifier
Has a stronghold, base of operations, guildhouse, or the like +2
Moves around a lot -1
Caused the death of other followers -1