Talk:Profane Weapon

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Auto-confirming, nice.

I do feel obligated to point out that Align Weapon is level 2 as well. It has more flexibility than Profane Weapon, though, so it might be safe to call it balanced. -Slitherrr

It's adapted from a dragon magazine spell that's actually a 1st level anti-paladin/X/Y spell. I think there are some other nuts-and-bolts-situational differences. -gm

Wouldn't this be more appropriate if it revolved around the Chaotic alignment? Evil doesn't seem to be far outside Alexandria's wheelhouse. --Msallen

Also, I'm pretty confused by this:

In addition, critical hits threatened against good foes automatically confirm. This effect does not apply to any weapon that has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as keen and vorpal, but does apply to critical increasing feats, such as improved critical.

How does this behave if you have a magical enhancement? If you have one, no matter how small, do you have to roll to confirm. Does this, in some circumstances, make you *less* likely to get a critical hit? No matter what, if you are focused on critical hits, this looks like its pretty complicated to factor in. --Msallen

1. Evil *doesn't* seem far outside of Alexandria's wheelhouse? Confused. I can see that there should be a chaotic variant of this, but there isn't. It was created by servitors, who despite being born out of chaos, are still fueled by all the magically evil goodness fantasy trope demands.
2. Eh, that's copies straight from the pages of the sages. I'm going with the harsher wording, the function simply does not function on a weapon enchanted with a critical effect. This would also include burst weapons. Though, really, critical-range makes no difference in your percentage chance to confirm. But, yes, anything rolled is strictly "less likely" than something automatically, but I'd still take vorpal every time. This should be no real controversy - the non-stacking of like magical effects is one of the central pillars of 3.5.
Well, you could make it so that you only have to confirm for things like keen/vorpal--if it doesn't confirm, it still does crit damage, just not the keen/vorpal special effect. -Slitherrr
Vorpal, anyways. This should still auto-confirm on keen, just because keen only doubles threat range--whether or not the threat range is doubled, profane should make you confirm. -Slitherrr
So, if I have some magical effect that adds 1d6 to damage for a crit, then a feat that adds +2 to damage from a crit, I'm supposing what abs is looking for is for the +2 to apply all the time, but the 1d6 only to apply if the threat confirms. -Slitherrr
Is that more or less complicated? I think the original spell didn't apply if ANY crit range increasing was going on, magical or otherwise. That's a lot easier, but doesn't make a huge amount of sense. Maybe that's just the price you pay for profaning out your shit. -gm

Also, not like this is a spell put here for the PARTY'S benefit. *oil slick smile* Kimika can't access this spell anyway, nor would she. -gm