Egtheladanna Krin

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Egtheladanna, or "Egg," is a young man of Hakani descent, originally from the town of Sherdam.

Egtheladanna was born in a small Hakani farming village near the town of Sherdam in Ubrekt. A generally good tempered child, it was apparent from a young age that little Egg was possessed of a precocious intellect, racing through cognitive and developmental milestones. The Main Cleric of the village, Father Hend, not wanting the child's obvious gifts to go to waste, took an interest in the boy and tutored him. Reading fluently by three or four, the Cleric's praise of Egg brought the attention of a Patrician from Sherdam proper, who offered to provide for the child's intellectual needs.

The man, Tiberius Gotticus by name, was a childless patriarch of a Senatorial family fallen on hard times. A mean tempered and scornful man, who never failed to remind Krin of the lowliness of his station and his people, Gotticus nonetheless provided Egtheladanna with an education, if at times a stark and harsh one. Acting as general helper and manservant, he chaffed under the strictness of Ubrekti education, and suffered a great deal of loneliness, but escaped the unpleasantness as often as possible in the histories of Old Ubrekt from his patron's well-stocked personal library. Additionally, as he aged, he began to grow interested in reading magical treatises and arcane metaphilosophy, no doubt attracted from Tiberius' strict interdiction of such studies.

Krin was 15 when the man died, still childless. It was Egg who discovered the body. His emotions were mixed - he had never really loved the man, nor particularly liked or respected him. Still, the mean old bastard had already given Krin access to a wider world and education than his birth would otherwise have allowed. Still, as he rummaged around and finally discovered the will, he was surprised that the man had not accounted for him at all, leaving the entire estate to far away cousins not conversed with for decades. Hurt, angry, and disappointed, Krin thought through his options.

He realized, at that point, his whole life up until that point had been a cage. This was his chance to escape it. Sure, it was bold and risky and kind of stupid, and if it didn't work, he would end up even more caged. He sat down with the will and using his small, self-taught arcane proficiency, he slowly altered the document. It was the work of hours, and when completed, was not terribly convincing. Still, he had thought his plan through well.

The will named Father Hind executor. While someone from the church executing wills is not odd in and of itself, that an Ubrekti patrician would call on a Hakani village priest to do so would probably have raised some eyebrows, had the assets had any other clear claimant or tremendous value. As the will transfered the vast bulk of the man's estate to the local churches kept objections about the messiness of the forgery unspoken. Having no desire to manage an estate, or stay in Sherdam at all, Krin carved out for himself only enough to get started: A laundry list of manuscripts, a couple thousand gold coins, and the old man's Bag of Holding. Although the will made no mntion SPOILER WARNING: Egg's Character Sheet