Talk:Egg's Character Sheet

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Revision as of 00:43, 16 September 2010 by Msallen (talk | contribs) (→‎Audit)
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You might want to audit this guy, decent chance he has messed up skill ranks, with prodigy and open minded. -gm


  • [Fixed] Missing one skill point (probably because his sp/level went up at 4. should be: 48(1st) + 6(2nd) + 6(3rd) + 7(4th) + 5(feat))
  • [Fixed, with Gusto] Characters start with Ubrekti + Regional languages, so Egg is either missing a language or a skill point
I think I originally had Ubrekti as his birth language, before it was discovered that he was of hakani descent.

Fitting In

We'll have to see how we want to play it. I had a similar discussion with Slitherrr about *****************, his coming cohort. Basically, do you want to play and manage every part of the guy, have me run the guys personality but control him in combat, or have me control everything with you giving general commands?

Likewise, advancement - you or me? I would think he obviously sticks to Wizard, though depending on what kind of work you have him doing early on it might make sense RP wise to take a second level in professional, as well as just being a good add. Prof 2/Wizard X gets a +1 AC bonus and a net of +4 skill points, over Prof 1/Wizard X, I believe? Prof 4/Wizard X is a much more substantial investment in the nonmagical side of thing, which is costing probably two spell levels for +2 AC bonus, a net of +12 skill points and Uncanny Dodge.

Really up to you. I'm sure you don't want to play another character, so I'll make the decisions for him in game time. He's pretty much a squishy buffer in MMO terms, so in general I expect he'll stick close to LE and cast buffs. As for advancement, I'd say straight wizard unless there is a really compelling reason to go prof 2. Multiclassing casters is a lot harsher than martial characters except for a splash. Also, he'll have plenty of skill points, and Germ is happy to have a knowledge guy around, which wizards do fine at.
Germ in general would prefer a cohort that pushes back and has his own opinions--he's not looking for a yes-man, he's looking for another set of eyes and a sharp mind to bounce ideas off of. So in general I'll make the decisions to lighten your load, and you veto anything you don't like. --Msallen