Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2010-10-16

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In Our Last Episode

3X-1 HeavenFall

  • Party teleports into Mayor's mansion bent on killing him
  • The party has Lodz completely surrounded and pounds on him to death.
  • Enlarge cast on MoseToken.PNG Mose and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin
  • We fight two Flesh golems, fire used to slow them, they fall to the team.

In this Episode


The party continues their rampage through the Mayoral mansion They come into a woman's room and she starts lightning bolting Quinalin Al summons a swarm of spiders on her Woman looks somewhat like mayor (daughter?) Woman casts lightning bolt to blast Quinalin LE paralyzes the woman LE blinds the woman Germain decides to not try to knock her out and slices her, failing coup de grace LE deafens the woman Quinalin succeeds with maximum critical damage roll to coup de grace her Party finds a 10ft flesh golem in Mayor's bedroom Quinalin gets a really nice hit on the golem Thoqqaa summoned and attacks (due to Al) -- slows golem Fire Beetle summoned and attacks (due to LE) -- slows golem Quinalin and Mose beat on the golem, Kimi and Al heal people Kimi blesses Quinalin finishes the golem Fire golem dead 596 XP for non-Germain 696 XP for Germain The party hears adult crying to the south Party opens the doors and smells terrible filth Party kills the Mayor Party finds a signet ring Crazy Clay golem was found in a room! Party is getting pwn3d Party tries to run, Germain gets beaten down but Kimika heals him Party teleports into the swamp Al flies out a window Al flamestrikes the mansion to try to burn it down 175 xp for killing the Mayor Al meets up with the party who is healing, etc Party decides to continue on without healing Party runs into 4 swamp trolls that get fireballed and attacked, etc Kills them, 600 xp for party, 700xp for Germain instead Party runs into 10 harpies One is a Harpy Queen with a crown made out of finger bones Quinalin and Germain get entranced by harpies! LE takes it down with magic missiles (and help from everyone else of course) 950xp for everyone, 1100xp for Germain Mose and Quin got Max critical attack bonus this game +1 bow of +1d6 cold damage found Ring of protection +1 found, LE has it We see 8 orcs and 4 lizard men, we sneak past them We get to the lizardmen camp and see half-and-half orcs and lizardmen The chieftain of the camp is crucified and still there His body doesn't seem to have decayed at all, bizarre Party sets up a bizarre large trap to capture orcs Quin wants to sneak in through invis and capture the guy The entire team learns a new bird call that Al teaches us Leader orc has a long spear Al gets the achievement for very bad roll for elaborate plan LE casts magic missile and annoys a few orcs Orcs try to give orders Al yells counter-orders to see if he can confuse them Germain shoots one with a frost arrow and kills one LE fires a fireball and obliterates 8 orcs in one shot! Mose runs out and somehow the Lizardmen recognize him and stop running towards the terrible trap Orc Leader falls into the pit and gets magic missile and ice arrowed on the ground Al summons a lion, Al jumps into the pit and they kill the Orc Leader together Experience for the final battle: Germain: 350xp Everyone else: 220xp 750xp for lizardmen surviving 200xp for lizzy man body Req [100 points of healing to revive] (+3xp per HP healed) Magical Longspear (Low Power); Nonmagical Adamantine Tower Shield from Orc Leader [In BoG]

Lodz Ambush
+ 831 
Experience Points
Lodz Ambush
+ 692 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al, MoseToken.PNG Mose, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, LEToken.PNG LE, and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin


Final GM message




Maps and Pictures