Talk:Feat: Wild Talent

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Revision as of 01:05, 18 November 2010 by Msallen (talk | contribs)
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Wow, interesting.

I've never really played with psionics in D&D. -Slitherrr 21:32, 28 November 2009 (EST)

I have, some. There are two.. er.. three, I guess, in the IRL game I've been playing in. They tend to be overpowered, or maybe it's just that the twinks gravitate to the class. I don't mind them, but they're generally more complicated than they are worth, though some psionic feats are pretty nice. They're a very rare part of my world, and I like it that way. I really liked the wild talent idea from 2nd ed, but there's no good one in third despite the perfect vehicle for it in feats. Should probably be a lvl 0 power, but fuck it. Though, I will put a balance prereq on it now that I mention it. -gm

Where would one get a psychic surgery? Gnomes? --Msallen

Best bet, yeah. I suppose there is some skill boosting psychic cantrip you've found? -gm
:P Always good to increase the the bat-man utility belt for germain. There is also one that gives +20 on sense motive, but I don't know if you can qualify with just a wild talent. --Msallen
Actually just did a quick review, and it doesn't seem very worthwhile --Msallen
I guess some of the powers are cool--empathy, conceal thoughts, and come to mind would work. --Msallen