Talk:The Azure Geese

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Revision as of 02:04, 4 December 2010 by Slitherrr (talk | contribs)
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What is this mess? Egg already recruited your six followers out of the refugee camps? -gm

Speaking of nonsense - doesn't it seem a little ODD that your flunkies have *way* better stats than the cohort or even the party? Not even Sayid got 36 points.

Learn to count.

Your punishment - your first level 2 follower shall be a minor, displaced ARISTOCRAT. -gm
Also, what's up with a follower having a hero array and a PC level? -Slitherrr
Damn you, you sent me an email telling me to make 6 24-point characters with the following classes: 2x professional, 2x fighter, 2x rogue. Its not my fault that pills and liquor have addled your brain and you can't remember what's going on anymore! --Msallen
Haha, I agree. Though, in fact, it was probably the booze that made me say PC classes.
In fact, I was actually confused because I made a post to the wiki last night that didn't seem to take where I said Cohort = PC Class; Follower = NPC class. Just take the same point buy, and make them Warriors & Experts, but probably not adepts or aristocrats. This actually shouldn't screw up your plans and party too much.
In fact, I *do* appreciate not having to come up with personalities and such. -gm
Yeah, these are easy to manage as NPC classes. Can I have one adept? --Msallen
I didn't think it would really mess up your plans too much. And, yes, you may have a single shaman OR adept, but not both. -gm

So, tl'dr - I thought I had made a post about this last night, but it seems not to have saved. Boo.

Your email made me think I was going to get a map update! :P

I drew some more rivers, but I didn't make huge progress. Still, at this point, I think I only have to do the waterways in the northeast then I'm done with them for a while. --Msallen


Good Alexandria, Kib has GOT to get to Wydmoor. -Slitherrr