Talk:Field Marshall (3.5)

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+5 BaB to +6 raises the 2/3's (Rogue, Professional, Cleric) min level to 8 9 from 7 8. Which you're probably fine with, just giving an FYI. -Slitherrr

Raises from 7 to 8 you mean? I'm ok with that, considering the relatively low number of skills required compared to the strength of the special abilities, I think getting putting it off is ok. Also, I think it makes more sense for a Field Marshall to require a stronger martial background than a mere +5. -gm
To 8 from 7 is what I said, silly. LEARN TO READ. But yeah, I can dig it.-Slitherrr

I miscalculated--I was talking about the level they meet the reqs, not the min level they'd be able to take the class. Which makes me sad, because that's yet another level away for Kib. Sigh. -Slitherrr

I'm trying to think of a good way to simulate the Commanding Presence benefit to see what kind of damage output it amounts to within that 20' radius. +2 isn't a whole lot on a per-person basis, so the benefit of this class is really small unless the PC can find a way to cram a bunch of allies into that 10' radius, which is just barely enough to have flanking PCs within the radius (but only if the enemy in question is size M or smaller). Do we have any other good, Martial, 5-level prestige classes to compare to for balance? -Slitherrr

I would suggest comparing it to the progression of similar bard songs? However, consider also that the bard songs are modal (you must pick the bonus to apply per song) rather than total, like the field marshall. (all bonuses, all the time!) -gm
Good point. Here's a rough draft comparison:
  • Two more skill points/level, bigger skill selection
  • Have to choose, and have to be able to perform
  • Bonuses increase throughout level progression (up to +3 at 14, and +4 at 20), but only Bard levels (which might actually put a damper on Bards multi-classing Field Marshall)
  • Can reach everyone within hearing distance
  • Get Inspire Greatness (add to hit dice along with attack rolls and fort saves)
  • Get Song of Freedom (a break enchantment effect, 1 target, 1 min casting time, unlimited uses per day)
  • Suggestion
Field Marshalls:
  • Two more hp per level
  • Two more BaB over five levels
  • Anywhere from 0 to 5 more AC depending on Int bonus (probably 2 or 3, possibly up to 4 for a particularly int-focused Professional multiclasser)
  • All buffs, all the time, but in a smaller range, a 20' radius (+1), or 10' radius (+2)
  • Remove fear effect rather than break enchantment, limited to maximum five times a day (a level 5 Field Marshall with 20 Charisma, which is probably most likely from a Bard/FM or Paladin/FM, but a particularly charismatic Professional could hit it, too), but casting time is a standard action verbal somatic rather than effectively a 1 minute verbal casting time.
  • +2 to Leadership Score
  • More general save bonus (rather than just charm and fear effects).
The question more generally becomes whether the always on ability is worth losing range and potency. I need numbers, because it's tough to call without actually seeing things in action. I wish we had a bunch of people around who could just simulate combats for us at whim.-Slitherrr

Writing up the above, I've thought of some tweaks that should probably exist on abilities:

  • Commanding Presence should probably only work if characters can see or hear the Field Marshall. In fact, a tweak that might make the ability more interesting in general would be to have the buff persist for a number of rounds after they leave the field. That might be too much of a pain to keep track of, but it would make the Field Marshall's role to run up and down the line inspiring troops, rather than serving as a convenient bullseye for a target for a fireball/cloudkill/chain lightning cast.
  • I had some stuff here about Remove Fear, but then I remembered that Divine spells aren't subject to spell failure. It's in both Arcane (Bard) and Divine (Cleric) spell lists, but I'm assuming it's being cast more like a Cleric than a Bard

As far as the Remove Fear thing goes, the Field Marshall could probably get another, similar ability, like the 2nd-level spell Remove Paralysis, at level 4 or 5. Paladins and Rangers are working on 3rd-level spells by that point, and Bards on 4th or 5th, so it's not adding much, just making him a little more cleric-like. -Slitherrr

Killed a bunch of interesting stuff here that's available in the history. -Slitherrr 00:32, 12 December 2010 (EST)