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Alright, you people who know the rules better than I do, I have a couple of questions. The brown bear has a base attack of +4 and Str of 27 (+8), but it's standard claw attack roll is only +11. Why not +12 (base attack+strength bonus)? I'm working on figuring out Girl's bonuses, etc. He's got 8 HD (2 more than a normal brown bear because of animal companion bonuses), and the animal companion page says it has the same base attack as a druid of a level equal to the animal's HD. So, that's +6/+1. Girl's strength is 28 (+9), so it seems like his attack roll should be +15/+10. Is this right??

Second question involves saving throws for (wait for it) ... brown bears. The animal companion page says "An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD)." It doesn't specify character class, so I assumed druid. An 8th level druid's reflex save is +2. Add the bear's dex bonus (+2. Girl has a 14 dex instead of 13 cuz he's awesome) to get +4. This is all well and good, but the standard non-animal-companion reflex save for a brown bear is +6. Fortitude comes out better (+6 for 8th level druid, +4 for bear's con), but it seems wrong that his reflex save would be lower than a standard bear's. Am I doing something wrong in figuring this? If not, Matt, I need a DM ruling. Reflex save +4 or +6?

And one more thing (not a rules question). Girl has the special quality scent. This will be helpful any time he's on watch. :)

-- from email