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Divine Companion Divine Animal Companion

Your animal companion becomes a celestial or fiendish creature.
Turn or Rebuke Undead, Animal Companion
Your animal companion gains the celestial template, if you normally turn undead, or the fiendish template, if you rebuke undead. Your effective Cleric level to Turn/Rebuke Undead stacks with your Ranger or Druid level to determine the strength of your animal companion. (unless they are both granted by the same class, such as by a Shaman from Oriental adventures)
Paladins who take the divine cohort feat gain a special mount cohort in addition to their normal special mount. Although the two abilities are similar, they follow different sets of rules and must be tracked separately.

You can only ever have one divine cohort at any given time.

Like a paladin's special mount, your divine cohort improves as you gain experience. Although the divine cohort improves significantly compared to others of its kind, its abilities do not rival those of a paladin's special mount.

Optionally include

See Also

Optionally include


Optionally include