Talk:Feat: Improved Aid Another

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Revision as of 13:39, 17 February 2011 by Slitherrr (talk | contribs)
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Stronger alternative?

The Net Book of Feats community authors recommend this feat as a +4 bonus instead: -- Do we want to adopt that one?

I want to vote in favor of this. -Slitherrr
I'm sure MA will vote in favor of it, too.
It makes perfect sense. Attack ability increases as levels go up, but Aid Another doesn't. Giving up a feat slot for an extra +1 that you still have to give up an attack for is just silly. -Slitherrr
For the record, I am, of course, in favor of it. I was going to take it at +3. --Msallen
That certainly doesn't make the think it's under powered >:)
More like Matt is running out of skill-based feats to take with his Prof bonus slots. -Slitherrr