Thed's Character Sheet
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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination | |
Level | 6 |
Race | Gnome |
Class | Rogue |
Armor | Masked Gnome's Black Leather Armor (+2 Shadow Leather) |
Weapon(s) | MW Light Repeater Crossbow |
Hometown | Somewhere in Odessa |
Player: xorry
Name: Thed (a pseudonym--real name unknown)
Classes/Levels: Rogue/6
Experience: 15668
Race: Gnome
Alignment: CG(NG?)
Origin: ??
Residence: Currently none.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
CommentThis is pending updates. As I recall, he's level 7, now.
---Slitherrr 15:28, 13 December 2010 (EST)
STR: 8 DEX: 18 CON: 10 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 10
Secondary Attributes
HP: 31 AC: 21 (+4 Armor, +1 Buckler, +4 Dexterity, +1 Size, +1 Dodge
Gnomish, Dwarvish, Kobold, Odessan, Ubrekti
- Bluff - 4
- Craft - 2 (brewing)
- Decipher Script - 4
- Disable Device - 9
- Disguise - 1
- Hide - 9 (brings his adjustment to +22 after other bonuses!)
- Knowledge Dungoneering - 2
- Listen - 4
- Move Silently - 9
- Open lock - 9
- Perform Dance - 4
- Profession Brewer - 4
- Search - 9
- Sleight of hand - 5
- Speak Language - 2 ranks (1 language)
- Spot - 4
- Tumble - 5
- Use Magic Device - 9 (+11)
Feats and Special Abilities
- Armor proficiency (Light)
- Hooked Hammer
- Rogue Weapons
- Level 1: Combat Expertise
- Level 3: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Crossbow)
- Level 6: Dodge
Gnome Abilities
- +1 to atk rolls vs humans
- +2 illusion save
- +4 AC vs giants
- Detect Magic: 1/Day
- Low Light Vision
- UMD Bonuses
- Small size
Rogue Class Abilities
- Sneak Attack +3d6
- Trapfinding
- Trap Sense +1
- Evasion
Noteworthy Gear
- Everwand of Create Water, 10 Gallon per Use [5/day]
- Professor's Monocle
- +2 Shadow Leather Armor
- Ring of Counting
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (Purchased)
- Plague Diary
- Wand of Bear's Endurance
- Hunter's Repeater