Talk:Headhunter's Cloak

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Revision as of 05:18, 2 March 2011 by Mattie (talk | contribs)
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This thing is totes the bee's knees. -Slitherrr

I'd say it's easily the most expensive of the lot, and probably doesn't even need the +1 luck bonus to saves to be comparable to everyone else's items. Its uniqueness made it the hardest to guestimate price for, though. I like the versatility of it, so I'm kind of proud of it. I think it's a neat item. -gm
This thing is sick. I love it. So versatile. Basically a ~Cloak of Displacement merged with Boots of Speed merged with Cape of Mounte Bank merged with a charged Ring of Freedom of Movement + a weak Luck stone. -Mattie
Do all of that and you get 3 rounds of buffed-action only. -gm
Yeah, the charges are essential to be able to call this balanced at all. It is definitely a fantastic item, and I can't wait to see Pokey do his dimension-dooring around bitches. -
Yeah, most of the items I linked are actually charged, too. This item is literally like combining them and sharing the charge pool, so it's necessarily better than pretty much any one of them. I love the meta-impact, though, because I think players will be loathe to use the charges since they'd want to save it for a dim door or other options if needed. The paradoxical cost of good choices actually helps balance it. In fact, if you look at this device compared to, say, Boots of Speed, I bet on an average adventuring day this Cloak is left with more unused charges than the boots would be. -Mattie
New tweak/clarification pretty much erases most of my thoughts here. Still an awesomely versatile cloak, though. -Mattie