Did we kill 20 orcs yet? --Msallen
- No, there were no achievements back when you fought that first group. If you kill less than ten while you're in the swamp, I'll eat my hat. -gm
- In fact, the swamp seems a LOT more dangerous since the last time you guys were there, just judging by the frequency of hostile encounter. -gm
Accidentally deleted a bunch when I moved em a few revs back, but all is well now. -Slitherrr
- Also, should xorry get Iron Stomach? That poison was technically never supposed to be ingested. -Slitherrr
- Yes. Drinking poison definitely counts.
Does Kib qualify for Collecting Cobwebs if he hasn't used Uncanny Dodge? It's probably a moot point anyway, though, since he'll most likely gain a level before he gets his cohort. -Slitherrr
- The second part you said, about the cohort.
Cleared more stuff.
I can add a template parser extension and likely convince this to work more automatically. If I do that for our wiki at work, I'll share it here, too. :)
Edit: Let me add that I was actually intending these talk "blips" to be used temporarily inside page content to ask questions and then be deleted when the questions are remedied. A not-perfect example would be at the end of this topic: Bethnalay#On_The_Away_Team.27s_Return_From_the_Tomb
Prestigious Maximus
- Hmmmmm... What class are we trying to cheat our way to? Defender? -gm
- It's not cheating if the GM approves! :) I don't have any in mind. I haven't found any Prestige Classes that work very well for Mose, even missing a prereq. Without skill points at all and being a Paladin, he's fairly limited and none may even apply even with a relaxing. Maybe skipping an exalted feat for one of those crummy exalted prestige classes? But I haven't thought about those much since they're pretty bad. They might add flavor for Mose even if not much power. Still-- even if Mose can't use the reward, it might help one of the other players, though. Defender is good, but will be some time before Mose could try it. Field Marshal could happen, too, and is fairly interesting. (shrug) Just spices things up a bit. -Mattie
- Hmmmmm... What class are we trying to cheat our way to? Defender? -gm