Mose's Character Sheet
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TODO: | Add latest info for level 9 & 10? |
Paladin 5 /Templar 5
Strength | 14 (+2) |
Dexterity | 10 (+0) |
Constitution | 14 (+2) |
Intelligence | 8 (-1) |
Wisdom | 12 (+1) |
Charisma | 16 (+3) |
Secondary Attributes
Hit Points | 111 |
Armor Class | ?? Aegis Gildensidhe, Swanshield) |
Base Attack Bonus | +10/+5 |
Base Speed | 30 Feet? (5 feet from boots, 5 feet from Quick Step) |
Fort Save | +13 (+8 Base, +2 Stat, +3 Pally Bonus) |
Reflex | +5 (+2 Base, +3 Pally Bonus) |
Will Save | +9 (+5 Base, +1 Attribute, +3 Pally Bonus) |
- Ubrekti
- Dwarven
- Wydmoor Wayfarer (+1 to Survival and Spot in Wydmoor Region)
- +1 to hit Orcs, Goblins
- +2 Save vs. Poison
- +2 Save vs Spells and Effects
- +4 AC vs Giant-Type Creatures
- Darkvision, 60 feet
- Stability
- Stonecutting
- Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial
- Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
- Divine Grace
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Good
- Blessing of the Road
- Detect Evil at Will
- Divine Health
- Improved Initiative +1
- Lay Hands (Pally Lvl x Chr Bonus)
- Smite Evil [Base: 3x per day]
- Turn Undead (3+CHR/Day)
- Mettle
- Aegis of Travelers
- Quick Step
- Succor of the Highway
- Templar Bonus- Skill Focus (Ride)
- Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe
- Extra Smiting (+2/Day)
- Improved Smite (+1d6 Good to Smite Rolls)
- Leadership
- Handle Animal : 4 (1 Rank, +4 Stat)
- Knowledge (Religion) : 1 (2 Rank, -1 Stat)
- Ride : 1 (1 Rank)
- Spot : 3 (3 Rank)
Cool Items
Mose's Haversack of Holding
- 3 Compartments worth of extra-dimensional space.
Aegis Gildensidhe
- Recovered from the Turtle Temple Blackguard
- Recovered from the Turtle Temple Blackguard
Bracers of Commendation
- +1d4 Law Damage on Attacks
- +1d6 Good Damage on Smites (Universally Stacking)
- +2 Deflection AC vs. Missiles and Ranged Touch
Ring of Sustenance
- A gift passed from Edrell to Germain to you.
Hourglass of Vigilance
- Gift to initiates of the Wandering Brothers
- Allows characters to wake up after exactly four hours of sleep. (Exhaustion penalties still apply)
- At level 5, once per week, may get a full night's rest in only 4 hours. (Increases by +1 use at every odd level, max of 6 days a week at level 15)
Splint Mail +1
- In Storage
Fingerbone Crown
- An orc battle trophy Mose has hung onto for some reason.
Hit Points :
AC : ( Natural, Dex, Size)
Attack :
Special Abilities/Training
Leadership Score: 10 = 9 (Level) + 3 (Chr) + 1 (Regional Renown) + 1 Special Power - 2 (Mount) - 1 (Moves Around A Lot) - 1 Cohort of a Different Alignment
- COHORT* (7th)
- GROUP* (5 Peeps)