Ugly's Character Sheet

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Character Stats
Level 2
Race Human
Class Barbarian
Armor Chain Mail
Weapon(s) Greatsword
Hometown The Sticks

Roscoe "Ugly" Duke

Chaotic Good Human Barbarian


Str: 18 (+4)

Dex: 13 (+1)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 8 (-1)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 7 (-2)


HP: 28

AC: 16 (+1 for Dex, +5 for chain mail)

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Movement: 30 (30 base, +10 for Fast Movement special ability, -10 for wearing chainmail armor)

Greatsword (two-handed)
To Hit: 1d20+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
Damage: 2d6+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
Crit: 19-20 x2
Cost: 50gp
Composite Long Bow with +4 Str Bonus
Range Increment: 110 Feet
To Hit: 1d20
Damage: 1d8+4
Crit: 20 x3
Cost: 500gp

20 arrows: 1gp


Fort Save: +5 (+2 base, +3 Con)

Ref Save: +1 (+0 base, +1 Dex)

Will Save: -1 (+0 base, -1 Wis)

Skills and Feats

Feat: Power Attack

Points available: 12 ((4+Int)*4)

Inventory Chainmail: 150 gp