RP: Dinner with Egg

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As the party had decided to institute a regime of strict information control, after your successful strike against the purification poisoners, everyone decides to quickly but stealthily head back to Germain's apartment to debrief, regroup, and discuss their next move. Now the ad hoc headquarters of the nascent Azure Geese, much changed since Edrell suffered his drunken nadir here. The room is immaculately clean and meticulously organized. During your time in the swamp, Egg has clearly been hard at work and the only similarities to the apartment Germain (and Edrell) left behind are one very sturdy desk, a bed, and the door you just walked through.

Now, every free wall has a floor to ceiling bookshelves, crammed overfull with codices and folios - including those walls that once contained windows, making the once mildly uncomfortable room now dark and stiffing, made more so by the injection of six bodies where normally there is only one. On the table you notice Egg's satchel, goggles, and a smooth obsidian(?) sphere, which some of you might recognize as the Nondetection Stone used by Edrell in the past. As soon as you walk in, prisoners in tow, Egg puts his finger to his mouth and makes a shushing noise. He walks over to the stone and activates it in the same manner as Edrell earlier. In this very same room, appropriately enough. In addition to the bookshelves, you notice the addition of a sizable steel chest with a high quality lock.

 EggToken.jpg Egg: "I borrowed this from Edrell. Well, actually, Germain did. I just carried the letter of request."

GermainToken.PNG Germain chuckles: "I do seem to think of everything."

 EggToken.jpg Egg (smiles, but continues in a very businesslike manner; indicating the cleric prisoners from the sewer): "Shove those guys in the corner and I'll deafen them, or Kimika can silence the corner, so we can talk without them overhearing. I'd hate to have taken all these precautions against our friends eavesdropping just for these guys to hear everything. You can go ahead and assume that up until this point, none of you have any secrets. You can go ahead and assume that anything any of you have said or done - alone or in a group - has been observed by, at the very least, Naprid, the Theives' Guild, and Edrell himself. Depending on how high your profile has become among the enemy, possibly the Besiegers, as well."

LEToken.PNG LE seems more interested in taking a look at the stone again, so she approaches it with a curious expression.