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The Tamerlane tribe was founded by Tamerlane the Eternal, a skilled Barbarian warrior who lived approximately 300 years before Alexandria's ascension. The stories tell that Tamerlane united four previously rival barbarian tribes in vanquishing a great evil. The tribes then reformed as one under his leadership and took his name. It is one of the oldest surviving tribes in the Ulan.

The mascot animal for the tribe is the timberwolf and the banner features a stylized wolf on a gray background, created by Tamerlane's first wife Edina. The colors of the tribe change with every Chief.

The tribe's motto is -tbd-

Notable History

  • Simein the Pure:

During a bloody war with another tribe, Frent sent his infant son off with his Fresian wife to his wife's hometown where he lived until his early teenage years. He received training as a cleric in the Alexandrian church. When word was sent and Daniella returned with Simein, Simein was immediately married off to the daughter of a mercenary who had taken control of the rival tribe during the war. Simein was not pleased with this union as Francine was as ugly both inside and outside. Despite this, Simein fulfilled his duties as both a husband and later as Chief when his father retired. Francine had been carrying on an affair with her half-brother, Arthur, and when Simein's sister Meinte caught them, Francine slew her in the center of the village just as she began to speak. Francine counted on Simein's loyalty to prevent retribution, but Simein flew into a rage, denounced Francine as a heretic and beheaded her then and there. Arthur emerged semi-clothed from the forest and Simein beheaded him as well. Francine and Arthur's bodies were tossed into the forest while Meinte received a martyr's burial.

Simein went on a pilgrimage to purify his conscience. He returned to the church where he had originally began his training as a cleric. His mentor, the aged priest, bestowed upon him the title of paladin and honored him for his diligent work in the true way of Alexandria in the Ulan as most of the Ulan tribes were of a heretic offshoot of the Alexandrian church. Also while in town, he met up with his childhood friend Lahze Hatter and took her as his bride. He returned to the tribe a new man and lead them into a time of renewed prosperity which continued for the next 3 generations.

Of his two heirs, Kent died after contracting lycanthropy and passed the the title of Chief to his younger brother, Birry. Incidentally, Birry was also the only one whose paternity could be proven as Francine was bedridden and thus stuck in the town throughout his conception and pregnancy while Kent looked little like Simein (and thus some secretly doubted his paternity).

  • Anderly the Wanderer:

Anderly the Wanderer had a fetish for morbidly obese halfling women. When he was 16, he left the village with his sister Ramia to seek a bride. Ramia ended up marrying the head of the Arabelle town guard, Cid Stormblade, and the two adventured together. Anderly stayed in Arabelle and blew his father's money on drugs and alcohol. When his father summoned him back, the scout returned with news that Anderly had left town with a group of traveling halflings. Anderly returned to the village a few years later with his "wives"- 6 morbidly obese halfling women. The village was shocked and outraged as they did not believe Anderly's "pups" (as his children were snidely called) were fit to carry on the tribal line. As was the custom, Birry the Tenacious retired as town chief and handed the tribe over to Anderly. Anderly nearly drove the tribe into complete ruin as he, his wives, and his hoard of children consumed the tribe's resources with reckless abandon.

When Ramia returned with her husband and son to visit, she was mortified. With her husband's help, they removed Anderly from power and drove his clan out of town. Neither Cid nor Ramia could assume the role of Chief but their son, Tomas, could. As Tomas was still a child, Cid and Ramia served as his advisers and essentially ran the tribe and restored it. Well-trained and courageous like his parents, Tomas took control as Chief on his 18th birthday. His parents remained in the village and served as his trusted advisers until their deaths.

Tomas married the daughter of a fur trader and thus established the booming fur trade that continues to support the Tamerlane tribe.

  • Ramia, Cid & Tomas Stormblade

Cid Stormblade served as the captain of the Arabelle town guard from -tbc-