Talk:Nora's Character Sheet

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Revision as of 18:10, 5 May 2011 by Mattie (talk | contribs) (x-1)
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We're doing study guide work, so you've got my attention today! ;) absalom 13:20, 5 May 2011 (EDT)

  • Are you sure it's not 18 HP, if you get full HP for first two levels? 8+1+8+1?
  • This cleric doesn't have any spells beyond those granted by the domains?
I'm only giving full HP for 1st level. Sarah hasn't picked her spells yet (still unfinished). -Mattie
Cool. How do we determine all other levels? x-1 or roll? Just happy to have another right-thinking person, I'd hate to be the only civilized person among a group of stick-worshiping savages. absalom 13:33, 5 May 2011 (EDT)
I mean, she's still a human, so I'm using the term "civilized" very loosely. absalom 13:33, 5 May 2011 (EDT)
I really like your x-1 approach and so have been creating all of them as full HP 1st level and x-1 for each additional. I'll clarify that somewhere. Also, I'm still waiting for Daniel's character plan, but he's unlikely to be a treeclimber. -Mattie