Tempest Blackwind

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Timeline Note:This information is for a historical game and may not apply to games using the modern world timeline. Discuss with your GameMaster before using this information for games later than 1000 FI.
Character Stats
Level 2
Race Human
Class Fighter
Armor Chain Shirt
Weapon(s) Dual-wielded Peteran Scimitars
Hometown Somewhere in Petera

Tempest Blackwind is the daughter of the wealthy Blackwind family. Her father trained at Peteran University and eventually became an illustrious Blade Dervish. As the only child to her parents, she sought to follow in her father's footsteps and enrolled at University Jalaroi in the hopes that she too would be accepted as a student to a Blade Dervish master. Her first mentor in school was the accomplished Darly Hunt. Tempest admired Darly's skill and finesse with a sword so much that as soon as she was able to, she traveled to Darly's homeland in search of her. At some point, she found and met Darly's tribe, which Roscoe Duke is a part of. Roscoe and Tempest knew of each other's existence, but never really interacted, and neither really seemed to be all that interested in changing that fact.

Campaign : Arabelle Adventurers

SPOILER : Tempest Blackwind's Character Sheet