Talk:Manifest Episcopacy

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More of these

What was the vision for how many of these there are? Did you intend a very small number, or are there a dozen or more of these?

There are many of these, but not nearly so many as (hundreds or even thousands of) regional bishropics. The closest, though still rough, analogue would be something like a Cabinet Secretary in the government (Manifest) and then local government agencies (Regional). So, all of the holy militants would be their own Manifest Episocopacys, as probably are whatever inquisitor group the church no-doubt maintains, etc. Now, they don't all share equal access or prestige, but there are a goodly number. An even rougher analogue would be the position of "Cardinal" in the Catholic Hierarchy, which deals with "broad strokes" agenda items. -gm

Perhaps there could be an Episcopacy or Warden over missionary activities? Religious history study? Study of the veil and the planes? Not sure just how interesting we could make these episcopacies, but it could help my story to have more than just the regional Hadriarchs involved in The Pinch. -Mattie

Generally speaking, the Manifest Episcopacies are interested in big ideas. They're basically the church bureaucrats and those in charge of major branches of the central church. The "Executive Branch," so there might be one dedicated to church finance, one dedicated to doctrinal purity, one dedicated to rooting out heretics, etc. Anything from a pure research point of view is going to probably be done by some university or the other, though no doubt under church auspices. -gm

Church Policing?

Some interesting ideas that I'd be curious about:

  • A Manifest Episcopacy over church judicial system? (i.e. the judges/tribunals for day-to-day inner church rulings, etc)
Quite possible. Jurisprudence is covered in a sketch somewhere, but essentially crimes against persons (murder, etc) are dealt with by the church and a universal across the mainland. Crimes having to do with property and ownership (civil law) is dealt with my secular authorities and may differ from location to location. Having an Episcopacy dedicated to creating and sending around jurors, investigators, and judges seems like exactly the sort of thing a Manifest Episcopacy would be for. -gm
  • A Manifest Episcopacy over internal affairs / policing? (i.e. inquisitors / church law enforcement)
I think I hinted at the existence of such above? Inquisitors and Excommunicators would also warrant their own Manifest Episcopacy. It might even be the same one for both! -gm

Or would those be committees/appointees throughout the regional areas? Would almost be cool if those were groups "outside" with their own Wardens and their agents intermixed with the regionals and reported through to the special Warden and the Arch-Warden rather than to their regional peeps. -Mattie

That's exactly right. Manifest Wardens are sort of like the suits that come down from corporate. Definitely cultural outsiders, and probably no body local is thrilled to have them around, no matter how rousing the welcome party pretended to be. -gm