Mahina's Character Sheet

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Female Human Druid 2
CN Medium Humanoid
Init -1; Listen +8, Spot +9
Languages Common, Druidic, Gnome

AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 12

(-1 Dex, +3 armor)

hp 21 (2d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +7

Speed 20ft.
Melee weapon Masterwork Quarterstaff +2 (1d6) and

Unarmed Strike -3 (1d3)

Ranged weapon Masterwork Sling +1 (1d4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +1; Grp +1

Combat Gear Unarmed Strike, Masterwork Quarterstaff, Hide, Masterwork Sling, Bullets, Sling
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 2, +1 melee touch, +0 ranged touch):
1 (DC 15, 3/day) - Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Speak with Animals
0 (DC 14, 4/day) - Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

Abilities Str 10 Dex 8 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 8
SQ Link (Ex), Nature Sense (Ex), Share Spells (Ex), Track, Wild Empathy (Ex), Woodland Stride (Ex)
Feats Animal Affinity, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Druid Weapon Proficiencies, Shield Proficiency, Track, +Madness Domain
Flaws Trauma Episodes: The first time an enemy deals damage to you each day causes you to become dazed for one round as you mentally adjust to the trauma.
Skills Balance -7, Climb -6, Concentration +8, Craft: Alchemy +6, Escape Artist -7, Handle Animal +6, Hide -7, Jump -12, Listen +8, Move Silently -7, Ride +3, Spellcraft +2, Spot +9, Survival +11, Swim -12
Possessions combat gear plus Acid (flask), Antitoxin Capsule, Artisan's Outfit (Free), Flask, Lantern, hooded, Leap Capsule, Money, Nature's Draught, Oil (1-pint flask), Potion of Protection From Evil

Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Nature Sense (Ex) +2 to Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks.
Share Spells (Ex) Spells cast on you can also affect your Companion, if it's within 5 feet.
Track You can track opponents.
Wild Empathy (Ex) Improve the atttitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed.