Elk Rider

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Description: The Elk-Riders were an elite light cavalry unit of mounted Rangers that operated out of Sidhe-Praxen. They were made famous during Alexandria's Crusade for serving Alexandria under Kivan Half-Elven. Although there is no organized force of them today, it is possible some Sidhe still retain the skill. Although most Elk Riders were rangers, nothing but convention prevents druids from taking the class.

Prerequisites: Mounted Archery, +6 Base Attack Bonus, Ride: 6 Ranks, Animal Companion (Elk, Deer or Similar herbivorous quadruped), Elf or Half-Elf

Hit Dice: d10

Skill Points: 4+INT

Class Skills: Survival, Swim, Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Geography, Climb, Ride, Perception, Heal, Animal Handling, Craft (Bow), Stealth, Intimidate, Spellcraft

× Level BaB Fort Ref Will Ability Spells Per Day
1 +1 +1 +1 +0 Exceptional Mount, Fleet Mount, Elk-Rider Bonding,Bow Focus +1 to existing divine caster level
2 +2 +1 +1 +0 Bonus Feat, Saddleback
3 +3 +2 +2 +1 Improved Mounted Archery, Naturalist +1 to existing divine caster level
4 +4 +2 +2 +1 Bonus Feat, Child of the Forest
5 +5 +3 +3 +1 Expert Mounted Archery, Elk-Rider Empathy +1 to existing divine caster level

Exceptional Mount Exceptional mounts are specially selected and trained variants of regular mounts possessed by certain prestige classes. They increase in power as the character gains in their prestige class level. (see table below)

Fleet Mount : Your mount may take full move and run actions in wooded or heavily forested terrain without penalty.

Elk-Rider Bonding : If your Animal Companion is also your Exceptional Mount, the bonuses stack. Additionally, your Elk-Rider levels stack with your Druid or Ranger levels for determining the abilities of your animal companion.

Bow Focus: For the purposes of determining eligibility for the Weapon Specialization tree of feats (Focus, Specialization, Greater Focus, Greater Specialization), both Elk Rider levels and Ranger levels count as Fighter levels, for bows only.

Bonus Feats : On the 2nd and 4th Elk Rider levels, the Elk Rider may choose a feat from the following list. The Elk Rider must still meet all prerequisites for the feat. Weapon Focus (any bow); Greater Weapon Focus (any bow); Skill Focus: Ride; Improved Skill Focus: Ride; Skill Focus: Animal Handling; Improved Skill Focus: Animal Handling; Animal Affinity; Ride By Attack; Point-Blank Shot; Precise Shot; Manyshot; Weapon Specialization (Any bow); Greater Weapon Specialization (Any Bow).

Saddleback: May take 10 on ride checks even when not normally able to do so with your mount.

Improved Mounted Archery: The archer is equally at home firing mounted or dismounted. Penalties firing while mounted are reduced to 0 if you are making a double move and -2 while running.

Naturalist : May take a 10 on survival checks even when not able to do so, or while mounted.

Child of the Forest : You may take a 10 on any Animal Handling roll, even when the situation dictates you can not.

Expert Mounted Archery: You are more at home mounted than on foot, and your martial abilities demonstrate this. Penalties for firing on the run are reduced to 0, and you always gain a +1 competence bonus to hit and damage with bows when on horseback.

Elk-Rider Empathy: All Animal Handling rolls made against herbivores always succeed.

× Level Bonus HD Natural Armor Adj. Str/Dex/Int Bonus Bonus Tricks Special
1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +5 Base Speed
2 +1 +2 +1 +2
3 +2 +2 +1 +3 +5 Base Speed
4 +2 +4 +2 +4
5 +3 +4 +2 +5 Mettle