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Humans are the most populous race on the mainland. They are the dominant population in the nations of Flannery, Fresia, Celstia, Ulan, Petara, Odessa, Ubrekt and Alexia. They exist in significant minorities in other nations, though few if any exist in Sidhe-Praxen.

Humans are a short-lived and lively race, and easily the most diverse and mercurial. You've probably met one or two, so you know what they're like. Other races admire human ingenuity and resourcefulness, but are often disenchanted by what they see as a prevalence for self-absorption, ruthlessness, and naked ambition. Gnomes and Elves, especially, look down on humans, while halflings have found a way to exist wholly within, but mostly independent of, human political structures. Gnomes harbor a strong cultural suspicion of humans for historical reasons: they still hold them responsible for the destruction of Old Hakan and the Gnomish Vassalage. Elven Law holds that humans are a lesser order of creature, going so far as to outlaw reproduction with them on penalty of sterilization and exile. While the Gnomish disdain for humankind stretches back thousands of years, to the days of the First Empire, the Elves' disdain is relatively recent, likely finding its origin in successive series of civil wars instigated by half-elven pluralists which forced the Elves off the mainland and exacted a staggering toll on the Elven population.

They are easily the most political of the races, and likewise the most politically influential. In addition to controlling most of the world's nation-states, the majority of Arch-Warden and Wardens have been human. (Numerically, at any rate.)

Humans as Characters

Human characters are subject to the following game rule information:

No stat modifiers. Four extra skill points at first level, and one extra skill point every level after. One extra feat at first level. Base land speed 30'. Favored Class: Any (highest level class of the character always counts as favored class)