Table: Use Rope

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DC Action
10 Tie a firm knot.
10 Secure a grapnel (add 2 for every 10 feet the hook is thrown, to a maximum of 20 at 50 feet).
15 Tie a special knot.
15 Tie a rope around oneself one-handed.
15 Splice two ropes together.
Variable Bind a character.

Binding a character is a check opposed by the character's Escape Artist skill. The binder gets a +10 to this roll (it is easier to bind than to escape). The Use Rope roll is not made until the character attempts to escape.

When securing a grappling hook, the check is made in secret. If the check fails by four or less, the rope fails to catch, and may be retrieved. If the check fails by five or more, the rope initially holds, but fails 1d4 rounds after weight is put on it.


Silk rope provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Use Rope checks made with that rope.

Rope on which the spell animate rope has been cast provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Use Rope checks made with that rope. This bonus stacks with the bonus for having silk rope.


5 ranks in Use Rope gives +2 to climbing checks made with the use of rope.

5 ranks in Use Rope gives +2 to Escape Artist checks made to escape rope bindings.

5 ranks in Escape Artist gives +2 to Use Rope checks made to bind a character.