Talk:5e House Rules

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Look at all these things beyond the core set I'm letting slide. No more whinging. Get ya azzez to work. absalom (talk) 23:39, 23 August 2017 (EDT)

is Sword Coast Adventurer Guide considered core? Bartley (talk) 01:54, 24 August 2017 (EDT)
Not until I own it. Y'all think I'm clownin'. I mean I don't own UA - but the EA player guide and most of UA are already online. -gm


any changes to the default way languages are handled? I assume we're still using the same Ubrekti + Homeland/background language at creation, but it's my understanding that 5e doesn't have intelligence bonus languages or skill-based languages and that learning a new language is just "find an instructor willing to teach you. The DM determines how long it takes, and whether one or more ability checks are required. The training lasts for 250 days and costs 1 gp per day. After you spend the requisite amount o f time and money, you learn the new language or gain proficiency with the new tool." Though, it looks like there some feats and archetypes that also grant new languages. Bartley (talk) 13:42, 24 August 2017 (EDT)

I like the 5e rules conceptually. But 250 days of at least having access to a tutor is a long time. It'll make having comprehend languages or tongues around that much more important, and I don't really like those spells to begin with so I'm not sure how I feel about that. -slitherrr (talk)
Until I see this being an active impediment at the table, we'll play it as written. All my characters usually end up with, like, 3 languages. That seems fine. -gm

Starting level?

I really like starting at 2 just so the pcs aren't killable by house cat, and 300xp to get level 2 seems like it would come up by the first long rest anyway. Bartley (talk) 05:40, 12 November 2017 (EST)

I like to think of Level One as "The Tutorial Mission." I'd say level one, plan for level two by half-time of game one with the Mattiverse v2.0. For totally new folks, we're deffo starting level 1. -gm