Talk:Alexandrian Fortune Cards

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This is a world where the godhead is a woman who literally killed dragons and gods. Her story became the central myth of a new religion -- and also involved a SECOND very powerful magical woman -- and then she used magic and intuition to wage a war against heaven after forcing the secular powers to bend her banner. After her death, the claim to that magical heritage was the basis for the new world order.

In other words, there is ever reason for the Queen suit to outrank the King. This is a lowish magic world, sure, but it wasn't always that way. The intuitive and magical path is above the merely secular. And, based on the story these cards are telling, the Queen stood above the Kings. absalom (talk) 20:07, 5 March 2023 (EST) -dm

And, frankly, let's compare the characters on each suit:

  • King of Obelisks - Alabar Tremaline
    • Some guy who got locked in a tower after being a so-so general.
  • Queen of Obelisks - Marrwyn Teldandilion (ascended)
    • A badass elf who seized an Eightshare of divine power for herself.
  • King of Hearts - Dadtim the Younger
    • Softboi dwarf
  • Queen of Hearts - The Silver Dragon
    • A fucking dragon
  • King of Swords - Mythrian Arabelle
    • An incel who was good at war
  • Queen of Swords - Marrwyn Teldandilion (mundane)
    • Oh, yeah, she was also a wartime head of state and commander in chief.
  • King of Octacles - Steros Merroand
    • A pretty good administrator
  • Queen of Octacles - Hedran Riqtelo
    • The Dwarf that outplayed him.
sold! --Msallen (talk)

Other cardworthy nouns: Tragidore, Black Wyrm, The Retreat (from the Shadow Realm), The Flagstone (of the new Church)

Antioch needs to be the Knave of Occulatrsmsrg. Or of Obelisks, but definitely a jack and not a king.

Edit that you were writing during - Your text

Antioch needs to be the Knave of Occulatrsmsrg. Or of Obelisks, but definitely a jack and not a king. After all, I think he's the picture of material rather than magical success, despite being the first of the three eventual unlockers. He was not a wizard at all, but rather a rogue - brilliant and ruthless, not enlightened. He took over a powerful guild, then leveraged that success. He didn't use wisdom to unlock, he cheated - he had (literally) Epic levels of UMD. Once he gained that power, he used it to establish a temporal realm, and there is no indication that his quest to fulfill the prophecies was done on or for anyone's behalf but his own. After all, the prophecies alternately paint the Conquerer as savior and destroyer.

Thats a good point about Antioch not being a real wizard, but I think on that would probably be lost on most of the flock. Given his background, I think he's definitely in the obelisks and not the octacles becuase he was so fixated on that part of the prophecies, but I think Knave is a much much better fit. Any masters of enlightenment that we could put into the King? I've mostly gone with aleandrian figures for the nobles, but should I break from that and go with Alabar Tremaline? At this point, just one or two more and we've flushed out something that no one well ever (never!) use ;) --Msallen
I think Alabar Tremaline is probably the best possible King of Obelisks, period. It's a perfect fit. And, just because the mother fucker is dead doesn't mean he isn't a character in the story. Haven't you ever seen The Glass Menagerie ?
Yeah, he's a pretty huge part of the story--I think he works. Now for a queen of swords? Too bad we didn't have more female gamer friends back then. We'll probably have to invent someone for that card. --Msallen
Or, go with an actual sword. Antioch's blade, Nightbane, was intelligent and a powerful (14+) Sorc in its own right. -gm

6 of Hearts: Bodyguard/Blackguard - I imagine it typically would be a double bust type card, with the up side being a goodly knight and the reverse side being a blackguard. In the alexandria story, they would represent the oracular bodyguard, who willingly took an oath of darkness in order to stay by the side of the children they were sworn to protect.

I'm so thrilled that someone read this again. I had a note in my mind to try to get you to incorporate these when we went to the Dark Carnival. Should we move Arek to the Knave of Pentacles? Pentacles usually represent spiritual foundations and success. --Msallen
Absolutely, I agree with this on 100 levels. My god, things are moving now! -gm
I also think it makes more sense not to make ambivalent or outright terrible people kings.

I like it. In the spirit of making key relics "characters" in their own right, the Jack of Octacles could be Entropy's End, Alexandria's Sword, or something like that. Queen of Hearts could easily be the Quicksilver Dragon, as young men falling in love with their dragons is old trope, and makes their inevitable death more tragic. I assume the +1 card would be something like The Omnity, as a singular "joker" type card? -d

Yeah, I filled some of this in after our email before seeing this. I like the dragon as the queen of hearts. I'm not sure I like the jacks right now... especially the jack of octacles, which is supposed to be Sayid's misplaced faith in 'Fate'. I would like for them to be the 'bad' noble--something with strong negative connotations, although not necessarily evil (maybe Kivan?). Right now that means 3/4 have to do with Sayid :( Also, ideally the nobles would all be people (or dragons--living things), and we can move the objects and events down to the pip cards. Any thoughts? --Msallen 15:01, 19 March 2009 (EDT)