Talk:Entropy's End

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Monks??? They used to exist? My mind is blown. -Slitherrr

There has never existed on the Mainland a means to train monks. -gm
So, Alexandria wasn't on the Mainland? I'm really confused about the statement, "Additionally, when wielded by monk characters, it is was treated as a monk weapon for monk abilities." -Slitherrr
Yeah, I think the history is she went off to stay with "The Lost" during the Prophet's War. "The Lost" are some sort of east asian analog with monks and psionics I think. --Msallen 10:16, 15 December 2009 (EST)
Well, I only put that in because it's a mechanics rule, not because monk is an available class. ;)
A selection from the timeline that might make things more clear
29 BI Alexandria begins her pilgrimage. (Leaves for The West with the diplomats from The Lost)
21 BI Alexandria returns from her pilgrimage. (Returns from the West with a fleet of The Lost)
Also, from the "Arek" article : "Arak was slain by Alexandria on the Plains of Kamdel on Third of Renewal, 20 FI by Alexandria. At this time, Alexandria had yet to acquire any divine or arcane powers, yet by all accounts, was able to defeat a fully armed and armored Arak in single combat, unarmored, with her bare hands. " -gm
Ah, so, simul-edit FTL. Matt Allen is more or less correct, at least functionally. (Gnomes are the preeminent psions, everything else pretty much correct). -gm