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One thing that might not be obvious is that without Turn/Rebuke, you end up with Charisma as pretty much a dump stat. You end up focusing super-heavily on Wisdom with Str/Con getting more attention than a normal cleric might (or maybe even Dex to help their terrible Reflex). Evangelists aren't going to be pounders since they don't have heavy armor, but they do feel like they'll be fairly stout on average because there's no justification to spend on Charisma. -Mattie

I don't disagree, but that's ok. The loss of heavy armor is, to my mind, is a far greater sacrifice than Turn Undead, which is basically a dump ability anyway. I don't know that I'd personally ever go more than maybe 12 CHR as a cleric, unless I picked up a feat that I could use to spend turns. (like the healing one that lets you get an extra +2 HP per die rolled on heal spells). absalom 14:24, 5 May 2011 (EDT)
Yeah, wasn't stating it as a bad thing at all, just something I didn't realize and it might not have been obvious to other players. I personally didn't consider Charisma a dump stat for clerics and tended to invest a little bit in it. This makes this class a bit different than most divine classes (Paladins, Clerics, Favored Souls, etc) who have interesting balances of Wis/Cha. This class takes Charisma out of the equation.-Mattie
Yeah. Actually, Favored Soul actually can drop Wisdom all they want. Like sorcs, they're a Single Stat Class. I don't think that turn is USELESS, I just think it's, like, a tier III ability so don't invest much towards its use. If I was a paladin, though, Charisma is where it's at! absalom 15:00, 5 May 2011 (EDT)
Unless you tweaked them for your world, Wis controls all the Favored Soul spell DCs, so it's not a dump stat IMHO. It's part of some odd divine conflict that makes it hard not to spread points around. Also, Paladins with low Wisdom can't cast spells, so I hate that pain right now. :) -Mattie
Uh, actually, Favored Souls DO use CHR to determine spells per day and bonus spells, while using WISDOM to determine spell DCs.
Abilities: Charisma determines how many spells the favored soul can cast per day. Wisdom determines how hard the favored soul's spells are to resist (see Spells, below).
Paladins, Clerics, Monks, Rogues and Rangers don't get the option to stat dump, but that is paid back in other ways. Getting several stats up to 14 is pretty easy and cheap to do, even with a 28 point build. -gm
I don't understand your quote/response-- that's what I was saying about Favored Souls. Wis is a relatively important stat for Favored Souls and thus it's not a single-stat class (especially for offensive builds). Further, given how much melee they have to rely on, I think a good Favored Soul class is really hard to balance across all the stats. Somewhat like a Cleric, Paladin, or Ranger... I was expecting at first blush that Evangelist would feel like a Favored Soul, but ignoring Charisma entirely gives them more freedom versus most other divine classes. It's cool and refreshing-- I can't wait to see how Evangelist balances out in our campaign. -Mattie
I misread, sorry, I thought you were saying FS didn't use Charisma at ALL. absalom 17:51, 5 May 2011 (EDT)
It does mean a FS necessarily has to be more specialized, which I also like. One could easily pick the clerical buffs as your spells, dump into strength and con, and be a decent combat healer since DC only matters on spells you use that affect others. -gm

very informative

What words..

??? is from Ukraine(UA) in region Eastern Europe -slith
Well, *that's* strange. -gm