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General Discussion

I'm not sure there was anything remotely elven about the moon children, although it doesn't seem like Mahina would care. They were basically ancient egyptians? I got those damn cursed bracers of a mummy that was all decked out in jewelery in the bottom of a pyramid complex in the desert, at least. Also, are you ever going to talk in game if you have to come up with rhymes all the time? --Msallen

You are fundamentally correct, but that's ok. That bitch is crazy. (Seriously, she thinks she's a half elf.) -gm
Also, have you not seen the time Helen spends writing in-game RP blobs from Kimi? The rhyming thing will surely be something she'll enjoy. -Mattie
I had the understanding that Moon Children were akin to Egyptians, and hence why it took me so long to find models with both traditional Egyptian and Asian features. I originally had Lorelei with darker skin, but then Matt noted that the Ulan was essentially a taiga, so I adjusted for the skin tone given the geographical shift and the fact that Lorelei was hidden away for much of her life. Once we begin adventuring, future images of Mahina will reflect the genetic predisposition towards melanin production and hence supply her with a darker skin tone.
You're not wrong. The Moon Children are the reminiscent of a long-extinct Egypt-like civilization that had God-Kings and Pyramids and all of that. They were displaced from their prominence by the refugees that one day would become the Petarans. The remainder of this culture was forced from the productive coasts into the relatively hostile interior and over that time lost a lot of their culture slowly becoming the bedouin nomads Petara knows today. As for what your character *looks* like, that's all you and I won't lose sleep over it. I'm much more concerned with existing institutions and structures blending in with existing ones, and the best way to do that is generate discussion and content in that order. FWiW, the Far East analogue in this world is, of course, the Lost.
  • Petaran - Middle East, Urban (Seljuk Turks, Ummayads, etc.)
  • Bedowyld - Middle East/Central Asia, Nomadic (Mongols, pre-Islam Arabs, etc.) -gm
As for the elves, you're totally right and Jones hit the nail on the head: she's nuts. I tried to point that out by emphasizing that Gabriele never once even slightly inferred anything of the sort- this is all Mahina's imagination. As for the rhyme, I am TOTALLY going to talk in-game and in rhyme. =D Given that she has Asperger's, she's also going to talk a good bit. -lol- I am going to do my best to talk in iambic pentameter as well, but put the disclaimer that it wasn't as pervasive as the necessity she feels to talk in rhyme because I recognized my own personal limitations. =D --HelenAngel 17:11, 9 May 2011 (EDT)

Psychiatric Discussion

Specifically related to Mahina's disorders. Note that while Asperger Disorder is often a differential diagnosis for Schizotypal PD, they do have the capacity to be comorbid especially when there is a genetic predisposition to either disorder.

Schizotypal PD

It's like "schizophrenia lite" in a sense. ;) SPD has a strong genetic component- often developing in close relatives of someone with schizophrenia- in this case her mother, Lorelei. However, note that of the three children Lorelei produced only one developed PD and this was the only female child- thus also pointing to the potential for the genetic component to be passed along the X chromosome as seen in Mediterranean/North African populations in real life. Fortunately for everyone, Mahina is infertile.

Specifically where it pertains to Mahina, she has both visual and aural hallucinations though they are not of the extensively pervasive type that her mother experiences. She attributes these to "communing" with nature where this affects her behavior though these are entirely artifacts of her mind and not attributable (yet) with in-game dynamics. However, it would be at Mattie's discretion whether he wanted to use any of these hallucinations for any plot purpose.