Talk:Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2012-01-07

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Re: making Egg the eschequer, I didn't bring that up with Ralth, and I'd rather not do it without a bigger discussion. Germain thinks Ralth would wait until we recoverred (god willing) 80% of the money, and then blame us for embezzling the other 20% to get us out of their hair and maintain their status quo. As far as Germain is concerned, the Wrath's weren't loyal to the people of wydmoor (obviously) or the institution of wydmoor (comment about feeding the stone of law into a catapult), and they were really only loyal to Silverwalkers because they didn't have a choice. He pretty much thinks they can only be trusted to look out for themselves, and he'll tell them as much. So he'll suggest the he and Egg can help cook them books, but they have to put their own neck on the line in some meaningful way for him to feel safe with it. --Msallen

Did you notice I added some Wydmoor maps and stuff? -gm
Yeah, those are pretty awesome. Actually, that reminds me... I meant to add that image to the Wydmoor Zones page. --Msallen