Talk:Thed's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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CL 9: Shadowdancer 1

  • +1 Feat, +1 Reflex Save, Hide in Plain Sight ability, 8 Skill Points, +7 HP
    • Shadowdancer 2 is 60' darkvision!! -Slitherrr
      • Get the spell made permanent or get a wand! The shadow teleport is wonderful, though. Also hide in plain sight is no slouch since you can basically pull off regular sneak attacks with even nominal cover with a Stealh v Perception roll. absalom 19:24, 25 November 2013 (EST)
        • Yeah, I was saying it more from the, "one more person with Darkvision" perspective. We're pretty good at seeing in the dark. Which makes sense, considering how long we spent in Draglet Fortress.-Slitherrr

CL 9: Rogue 9

  • +1 Feat, +7 HP, +1 Favored Class Point, +1 Fort Save, +1 Will Save, Trap Sense +3, Sneak Attack +5d6, 10 Skill Points